
Listado de actividades englobadas en el Año Europeo del Envejecimiento Activo realizadas por los PUPM.

Título Fecha Universidad
EuCoNet 01/08/2003 Universidad de Alicante
European Senior Citizens’ Storyboard 01/08/2003 Universidad A Coruña
EuCoNet 01/08/2003 Universidad de Alicante
European Senior Citizens’ Storyboard 01/08/2003 Universidad A Coruña
Board of directors' meeting - Alicante 02/07/2003
International Symposium about University Programmes for Older Adults: University programmes for older adults in the construction of the European Higher Education Area – Palma de Mallorca 07/05/2003
Seminar on the Evaluation of University Programmes for Older Adults - Salamanca 23/09/2002
Minute of the meeting of the Temporary Directors Board of the National Association of University Programmes for Older Adults – Madrid 11/06/2002
Minutes of the AEPUM meeting - Alicante 16/04/2002
VI NATIONAL MEETING – Alicante 15/04/2002
Meeting of the National Commission Board of Directors - Alicante 02/04/2002
Minutes of the National Committee of the University Programs for Older Adults' Meeting 15/03/2002
Meeting request at the University of Murcia - Murcia 16/01/2002
Minute of the IMSERSO - Madrid 20/06/2001
New proposals considering new situations: the university for older adults 01/01/2001 Universitat Jaume I
New proposals considering new situations: the university for older adults 01/01/2001 Universitat Jaume I
New proposals considering new situations: the university for older adults 01/01/2001 Universitat Jaume I
Fourth National and Ibero-American Meeting - Seville 05/04/2000
Multireference in real and virtual cultural-educative contexts in favor of the group of older adults 20/03/2000 Universidad de Granada