Minutes of the AEPUM meeting - Alicante
National Commission
· Albuerne López, Fernando. OVIEDO U.
· Alcalde Cuevas, Concha. CADIZ U.
· Álvarez Carrión, Rafaela. CORDOBA U.
· Argente Del Castillo Ocaña, Concepción. GRANADA U.
· Arnay Puerta, José. LA LAGUNA U.
· Bru Ronda, Concepción. ALICANTE U.
· Cabedo Manuel, Salvador. CASTELLON U.
· Cruz Mendel, José M. EXTREMADURA U
· Durand Alegría, María del Juncal. BASC LAND U. (ALAVA)
· Escuder Mollón, Pilar. CASTELLON U.
· Gómez Llorens, Mª Olatz. F.U. S. PABLO-CEU VALENCIA
· Gómez Marroquín, Ignacio. DEUSTO U.
· González Bueno, Mª Auxiliadora. LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA U.
· Hevia- Aza Fernández, Alfonso. MÁLAGA U.
· Holgado Sánchez, Adoración. PONTIFICIA DE SALAMANCA U.
· López Gómez, Juan Estanislao. CASTILLA-LA MANCHA U. (C. TOLEDO)
· López-Jurado Romero, María. GRANADA U.
· Lorenzo Vicente, Juan Antonio. COMPLUTENSE U. MADRID
· Lozano Gandía, Vicente. F.U. S. PABLO-CEU VALENCIA
· Martos Perales, Francisco J. GRANADA U.
· Mérida Balcázar, Beatriz. COMPLUTENSE U. MADRID
· Orte Socías, Carmen. ILLES BALEARS U.
· Pando Navarro, Concha. MURCIA U.
· Pérez Llamas, Francisca. MURCIA U.
· Pollán Rufo, Milagros. NAVARRA U.
· Rodríguez de Vera. Bienvenida LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA U.
· Rodríguez Martínez, Antonio. SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA U.
· Romero Delgado, José. HUELVA U.
· Romero Martín, Félix Manuel. MÁLAGA U.
· Sabaté i Bosh, Josep Mª. ROVIRA I VIRGILI U. (TARRAGONA)
· Sánchez Dueñas, Blas. CORDOBA U.
· Santana Romero, Carmen. EXTREMADURA U.
· Señaris Fernández, Cándido. S. PABLO-CEU U. MADRID
· Torrellas i Vendrell, Josep. GIRONA U.
· Ubieto Arteta, Agustín. ZARAGOZA U.
· Valle López, Carmen. VALLADOLID U.
· Zahonero Virgili, Dolores. IMSERSO
Zorita Tomillo, Mª. ALMERIA U.
Report of the works of the National Commission
Approval of the framework lecture
Presentation and ratification of the National Association’s draft
Election of the organising university of the VII Meeting
Election of the members of the Provisional Board of Directors Board of Directors Provisional
Report of the works of the Commission
The meeting started with a few words by the Secretary thanking all the members of the Commission the work accomplished throughout the year and the Universities which have organized Commission meetings this year: Alcalá de Henares, Alicante and Murcia. He proceeded to present the topics on which the works of the Commission have been focused: L.O.U., Statutes of the Association, preparation of the VII Meeting (framework model). Then he made a self-critical evaluation about the need to improve communication with the rest of the universities. He evaluated positively the fact that they counted, for the first time, on an entity that aims to coordinate the actions of all the universities that have Programmes for Older Adults.
Approval of the framework lecture
The topic of the framework model was then addressed, which was ratified by the participants.
Presentation and ratification of the National Association's Draft.
At this point they did the official presentation of the Statutes Draft of the National Association of University Programmes for Older Adults, on which the Commission had been working. The Secretary thanked Antonio Martínez Faura and Concepción Pando Navarro, from the University of Murcia, their contributions to the elaboration of the aforesaid draft. Juan Antonio Lorenzo (University of Alcalá de Henares) intervened to indicate that in article 10, referring to the Board of Directors, he proposed that the President was elected among the elected members and not among the natural members. This proposal was backed by the participants, and therefore it was incorporated to the Draft. Other specifications are made referring to matters of style, like the one referring to article 21, which where it says sections c), d) and e) of article 18, it should say sections 1), 2) and 3) of article 18. The same thing happens with article 38, section 1, in which it says “the candidate that obtains the simple majority of the whole of the members of the General Assembly”, it should say absolute majority. Fernando Albuerne (University of Oviedo) follows to propose that the Draft de Statutes, with the relevant modifications is sent to all the universities with the aim that during the current year until the year of the celebration of the next Meeting they be studied and ratified by all universities with the purpose of carrying out their definitive ratification in a following Assembly during the VII Meeting.
Election of the organizing university in the VII Meeting.
In the preambles of the meeting, it was known that in the Universities of Madrid, through the University of Alcalá de Henares and the University San Pablo-CEU, they had expressed their interest in the Meetings of Sevilla and Tenerife and of organizing the next Meeting to the one the University of Alicante would organize. The University of Las Islas Baleares, some days before the Meeting and during the development of the said, manifested their desire of organizing the VII Meeting on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the creation of that university. Also during the VI Meeting the University of Almería distributed among the assistants some publicity directed towards the promoting of that venue as the place for the VII Meeting.
Once this situation was laid out, the Secretary of the National Commission gave word to those interested in the organization of the VII Meeting so they presented their points of view. First spoke the spokesperson of the University of Alcalá de Henares, who pointed out the fact that both in the Meeting in Sevilla as in the one in Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife), the Universities of Madrid had stated the offer to organize the National Meeting following the one which was to be held in Alicante. The Meeting of Alicante planned for the year 2001, due to different problems, was not celebrated in said city, so the University of La Laguna assumed the commitment, which had committed itself in Sevilla to organizing a Meeting of senior students. For this reason, it was accepted that the University of Alicante organized it in the year 2002, so it was understood that Madrid postponed the organization for one year.
Next, the spokesperson of the University of Las Islas Baleares took the floor, making manifest the interest of this university in organizing the VII Meeting, among other reasons, due to the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the creation of said university. Moreover, she presented other reasons related to the level of the Programmes this university had, the research it carried out, etc. She understood that was the moment to make the decision about the venue of the VII Meeting, the previous offers not being relevant, which was supported in the agenda itself.
Afterwards, the spokesperson of the University of Almería took the floor, explaining her interest on the organization of the VII Meeting, making manifest that she had means for its finance. Likewise, she manifested that she felt discriminated regarding the order it was being followed, since no criteria that could be considered objective was being followed.
A debate was established with the interventions, among others, of the spokespersons on the Universities of Girona, Tarragona, Santiago, Pontificia de Salamanca, Islas Baleares, spokesperson of the Education State Secretary and the University of Alicante. They finally established:
- That the VII Meeting Nacional was to be celebrated in Madrid with the motto “Social, educational and financial politics of the university education for older adults”, to be celebrated in mid-October 2003.
- That the University of Islas Baleares would organize an International Symposium, related to the European dimension of university education of older adults, to be celebrated in April 2003.
- That criteria would be established in order that the choice of the next venues would keep in mind the interests of the possible organizers, knowing these beforehand.
5) Election of the members of the Board of Directors Provisional
At this point of the agenda the election of the members of the Provisional Board of Directors was planned, which would substitute the National Commission constituted in the V National Meeting held in Tenerife in April 2001. According to the proposal made by the National Commission in the draft of the Statutes of the future National Association of University Programmes for Older Adults, the Provisional Board of Directors, whose term will last until the following Assembly to be held in Madrid during the VII National Meeting in which it is expected that the Statutes will be already approved or in the process of approval, will be constituted by six members chosen by the Assembly after the presentation of candidatures of the persons responsible of the interested universities and by four natural members: the spokesperson of the IMSERSO, the spokesperson of the MECD, the organizing University of the VII Meeting and a spokesperson of any of the universities of Madrid, venue of the VII Meeting.
It was requested that the candidatures were made public for the election of the six members of the Provisional Board of Directors, and therefore this desire was made public by the spokespersons of the universities of: Oviedo, Valladolid, Santiago de Compostela, Tarragona, Murcia, Granada, La Laguna, Córdoba, Islas Baleares, Autonomous of Barcelona and Pontifical de Salamanca.
Given the late hour, they proceeded to adjourn and summon the spokespersons of the Programmes for day 17 at 11 am to proceed to the election of the members of the Provisional Board of Directors.
At eleven hours and thirty minutes the spokespersons of the Universities met to proceed to the election. Each one of them could vote as far as six candidates and the ballots that contained more than six would be considered invalid. Previously, the ballots were delivered with the names of the candidates and the following was agreed on:
Accepting the vote delivered by the spokespersons of Zaragoza, Santiago de Compostela and Pontifical University of Navarra who had to leave the Meeting before this ceremony.
By request of the spokesperson of the IMSERSO, the delegation of vote that the spokesperson of the University of Barcelona made on her, so she voted in her name, although it was considered exceptional.
Each of the universities present and the spokesperson of the IMSERSO proceeded to the delivery of ballots in the table constituted by the spokesperson of the Complutense University, that of the University of Alicante and that of the IMSERSO as natural members of said Board of Directors.
The universities of Zaragoza, Santiago de Compostela, Pública de Navarra, Tarragona, San Pablo - CEU de Madrid, Oviedo, Gerona, Pontificia de Salamanca, Valladolid, Alicante, Huelva, Castellón, Deusto (Bilbao), País Vasco, Murcia, Córdoba, Extremadura, Las Palmas, Islas Baleares, Granada, Cádiz, Almería, Castilla La Mancha, Jaén, La Laguna, Complutense, Autónoma de Barcelona and IMSERSO voted. Altogether, 28 ballots were delivered.
They proceeded to the recount, obtaining the following results:
Universidad de Oviedo: 13 votes.
Universidad de Valladolid: 9 votes.
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela: 16 votes.
Universidad de Tarragona (Rovira i Virgili): 15 votes.
Universidad de Murcia: 12 votes.
Universidad de Granada: 17 votes.
Universidad de La Laguna: 24 votes.
Universidad de Córdoba: 18 votes.
Universidad de Islas Baleares: 11 votes.
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona: 8 votes.
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca: 18 votes.
All the votes submitted were valid. They proclaimed members of the Board of Directors Provisional the spokespersons of:
Universidad de La Laguna: 24 votes
Universidad de Córdoba: 18 votes
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca: 18 votes.
Universidad de Granada: 17 votes.
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela: 16 votes.
Universidad de Tarragona: 15 votes.
The following become part of the Board of Directors as natural members:
A spokesperson of the IMSERSO.
A spokesperson of the MECD
The University of Alicante
One of the Universities of Madrid, organizers of the VII Meeting.
It was planned, afterwards, how they would proceed in the case that any university changed their person responsible for the Programme or did not accept to be in the Board of Directors. It was agreed that in the first case, the University chosen would name the substitute; and, in the second, the next University with the most votes would be chosen.
Afterwards, came to the fore the spokesperson of the University of Alcalá de Henares, to propose the convenience of specifying on the tasks that were entrusted to the new Provisional Board of Directors and he proposed the following:
Prepare a document (Blank Book) about the university education of older adults that was the starting point for the regulation of these teachings. Both the IMSERSO and the MECD could be co-editors.
Request the constitution of an interinstitutional group represented by the IMSERSO, the MECD, the Council of Social Services and of Education of the Autonomous Communities interested, the Universities, etc., with the purpose of starting to specify the participation of each one of these fields in the development of the university programmes for older adults.
Take the necessary actions so that during the VII Meeting the National Association of University Programmes for Older Adults is formally constituted.
Cooperate with the IMSERSO and the Universities of Madrid in the organization of the VII Meeting Nacional to be celebrated in Madrid in 2003.
Cooperate with the University of the Balearic Islands in the organization of the International Symposium which this university organized in the year 2003.
Afterwards, the spokesperson of the University of Alcalá de Henares proposed the participants that the spokesperson of the University of La Laguna was re-elected as Secretary of the new Board of Directors, given the fact that he received the most votes. This proposal was accepted by the participants. From this moment, José Arnay took the floor to thank for this trust that they put in him.
He proposed that the University of Islas Baleares could be invited to the meetings of the Board of Directors when they discussed topics related to the organization of the Symposium. The spokesperson of the University of Granada pointed out, with the acceptance of the majority, that the Board of Directors could summon, according to the topics discussed, whoever they considered convenient for the development of their work.
And with no further matters to deal with, the meeting was adjourned at twelve hours and thirty minutes approximately.
In La Laguna, 21st of January 2002