Actividades AEEA

Listado de actividades englobadas en el Año Europeo del Envejecimiento Activo realizadas por los PUPM.

Título Fecha Universidad
III Conference of psychological intervention in the aging 14/12/2012 Universidad de Alicante
Closing Conference of the “European Year for Active Ageing and intergenerational solidarity”. Zaragoza 21st November 2012 21/11/2012 Coordinador AEEA - IMSERSO
3rd Healthy Itinerary La Nau Gran - Divina Pastora 30/09/2012 Universidad de Valencia
Psychology and older people. Open Doors day "An opportunity for a better life". 19/09/2012 Universidad de Alicante
Conference on health for active ageing and promotion of autonomy in an inclusive and intergenerational society 04/06/2012 Universidad de Alicante
Physical and mental health 31/05/2012 Universidad de Burgos
Concerts 31/05/2012 Universidad de Burgos
Literary and photo contest 31/05/2012 Universidad de Burgos
Presentation: "Guide of style Journalists and Older Adults" 24/05/2012 Universidad de Alicante
Conference - Workshop "Demythologizing Social Networks" 17/05/2012 Universidad de Alicante
Popular artistic expressions of our environment. The special case of Camp de Mirra and its "Tractat" 14/05/2012 Universidad de Alicante
Seminary «How to save energy in your daily life» 14/05/2012 Universidad de Huelva
Seminary «Posmodern Onuba» 02/05/2012 Universidad de Huelva
III Conference “Intergenerational participation and encounter” (the first one with “national” character) 26/04/2012 Universidad de Valencia
Presentation of the book “Viento en prosa” (Wind in Prose) 26/04/2012 Universidad de Valencia
"Cinemart +"There is no age limit for art" 25/04/2012 Universidad de Deusto
Seminary «The importance of records for studying History: Huelva's File» 23/04/2012 Universidad de Huelva
3rd International Conference on Elderly and New Technologies 18/04/2012 Universitat Jaume I
'To grow old with dignity', by Alejandro Hernández Blanco 18/04/2012 Universidad de Alicante
A photographic afternoon at the old part of the town of Alicante, by Javier Serrano 16/04/2012 Universidad de Alicante