Seminary «How to save energy in your daily life»
Name/Title of the Iniciative: Seminary «How to save energy in your daily life»
Date of beginning and end: from the 14th to the 17th of May 2012
Place: University of Huelva, Campus «El Carmen»
Aims: Make the students aware of the use of natural resources, starting with those that are used everyday, good use of electricity, product recycling, saving water, fuel… all those energies that are perishable and promote the use of renewable energies as an alternative.
Expected number of participants and/or groups for which the iniciative is carried out: The foreseen number of participants is around 800 people. That is the number of students registered both in the central and the provincial venues, given that the activities are offered to all the town councils that have venues of the Experience's Classroom. Nevertheless, the different activities are open to the Education community and the society in general.
Collaborating Institutions:
Local Office for Equality and Social Welfare of the Andalucia's Committee, Town Councils of the provincial venues.
For further information: http://
Mª Carmen Fonseca Mora
Vice President of Permanent Training and Innovation
Vice President of Permanent Training and Innovation
Phone number: 9592184445
Joaquina Castillo Algarra
Director of the Experience's Classroom
University of Huelva