AEEA Activities

Actividades de los PUPM para el Año Europeo del Envejecimiento Activo y de la Solidaridad Intergeneracional

Psychology and older people. Open Doors day "An opportunity for a better life".


Psychology and older people. Open Doors day "An opportunity for a better life".

19th and 20th September 2012, Alicante Town University Venue

Closing Conference of the “European Year for Active Ageing and intergenerational solidarity”. Zaragoza 21st November 2012

Mini logo Año Europeo del Envejecimiento Activo
The IMSERSO organizes on the 21st of November the Closing Conference to show all the activity carried out in Spain on the “European Year for Active Ageing and intergenerational solidarity 2012”. This 2012 has been good to promote communication and develop synergies between the social interlocutors and the public and private institutions relevant in ageing and relationships between generations’ matters.

Conference - Workshop "Demythologizing Social Networks"

17/05/2012 10:00

Conference-Workshop  "Demythologizing Social Networks", by Sergio Luján Mora, Dr in Computer Science. Department of Computing Languages and Systems, UA.

Presentation: "Guide of style Journalists and Older Adults"

24/05/2012 19:00

24th of May at 19,00h at the Rafael Altamira's Hall of the University Venue of Alicante en  C/Ramón y Cajal number 4 - 03003 Alicante.


"Cinemart +"There is no age limit for art"


Name of the University Program for Older Adults: University Graduate in Culture and Solidarity

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