Closing Conference of the “European Year for Active Ageing and intergenerational solidarity”. Zaragoza 21st November 2012

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The IMSERSO organizes on the 21st of November the Closing Conference to show all the activity carried out in Spain on the “European Year for Active Ageing and intergenerational solidarity 2012”. This 2012 has been good to promote communication and develop synergies between the social interlocutors and the public and private institutions relevant in ageing and relationships between generations’ matters.
  • To highlight the importance of including older adults in the decision making process when it affects them and to debate about the most adequate ways and most effective models of participation.
  • To acknowledge the participation of older adults in their environment, especially in social, work, cultural, political areas, etc., considering their knowledge, experiences and contributions. All this in the frame of a society for all ages.
This conference will show national and international models and experiences about the social participation of older adults in the different areas that affect them.
There will also be presentations of activities, exhibitions of materials, publications and resources related to the topic of the Conference.