Seminary «The importance of records for studying History: Huelva's File»
Name/Title of the Iniciative: Seminary «The importance of records for studying History: Huelva's File»
Date of beginning and end: From the 23rd to the 26th of April 2012
Place: University of Huelva,Campus «El Carmen». Auditorium of the Faculty of Law
Aims: Talk about one of the basic tools to write history in all its perspectives since written documents exist and give the students an instrument to research and reconstruct History.
Collaborating Institutions:
Local Office for Equality and Social Welfare of the Andalucia's Committee, Town Councils of the provincial venues.
For further information: http://
Mª Carmen Fonseca Mora
Vice President of Permanent Training and Innovation
Vice President of Permanent Training and Innovation
Phone number: 9592184445
Joaquina Castillo Algarra
Director of the Experience's Classroom
University of Huelva