Literary and photo contest
PUM name
Interuniversity Programme of the Experience
University on wh depende el PUM
Universidad de Burgos
Name/degree of the iniciative (s)
Literary and photo contest
Start date and end date
From January 9th to May 31st.
Place of development
Miranda, Aranda de Duero, Miranda de Ebro and Burgos
Encouraging the active ageing with the creation of stories and poems.
Encouraging the active ageing with photographies.
Selecting the best works for their public presentation in literary evenings and exhibitions.
Expected number of participants/ beneficiaries and/or groups to which this iniative is aimed
300 people.
Cooperating entities
University of Burgos, Management of Social Services of Castilla y León Junta and City councils of Aranda de Duero, Miranda de Ebro and Villarcayo.
More information (Web)
Contact information
Carmen Palmero Cámara,
Isabel Luis Rico,
Tamara de la Torre Cruz,