

PUM Name

Interuniversity Programme of the Experience
University on which depends the PUM
Universidad de Burgos
Name/degre of the iniciative (s)
-          Organized by the UBU: assistance to the concerts of the university choir and to young instrumentalist students.
-          Organized by the PIE: concerts of the PIE's choir
Start date and end date
From October 2nd to May 31st.
Place of development
Aula Magna of the UBU, Faculty of Humanities and Education Meeting Hall, University halls of residence, Churchs and Associations.
Knowing the main artistic expressions from a musical point of view.
Promoting polyphony as one of the suitable artistic expressions for Seniors. 
Promotion of the active ageing with the creative participation in choral groups and with the assitence of concerts. 
Expected number of participants/ beneficiaries and/ or groups to which this initiative is aimed
400 people.
Cooperating entities
University of Burgos, Management of Social Services of the Castilla y León Junta and City councils of Aranda de Duero, Miranda de Ebro y Villarcayo.
More information   (Web)
Contact information
Carmen Palmero Cámara,
Isabel Luis Rico,
Ángel Gañán Adánez,