Fourth National and Ibero-American Meeting - Seville
City: Seville
Date: 06/04/2000
Organizer: University of Seville
A-Spanish Universities
1 - University of Alicante.
2 - University of Almería.
3 - Autonomous University of Barcelona.
4 - Autonomous University of Madrid.
5 - University of Cádiz.
6 - Carlos III University of Madrid.
7 - University of Castile-La Mancha.
8 - The Complutense University of Madrid.
9 - University of Córdoba.
10 - University of Extremadura.
11 - University of Girona.
12 - University of Granada.
13 - University of Huelva.
14 - University of the Balearic Islands.
15- University Jaume I of Castellón.
16- University of Jaén.
17 - University of la Laguna. Tenerife.
18 - University of Málaga.
19 - University of Murcia.
20 - University of the Basque Country.
21 - Pontifical University of Comillas. Madrid.
22 - Pontifical University of Salamanca.
23 - Rovira y Virgili University (Tarragona)
24 - San Pablo University. CEU. Madrid.
25 - University of Santiago de Compostela.
26 - University of Seville.
27 - Literary University of Valencia
28 - Polytechnic University of Valencia.
29 - Bilaketa University of Navarra.
B- Universities from other countries:
1- National University of Entre Ríos. Argentina.
2 -National University of Mar del Plata. Argentina.
3 -Cuyo-Mendoza National University. Argentina.
4 -National University Tucumán. Argentina.
5 -National University of Córdoba. Argentina.
6 -National University of Catamarca. Argentina.
7 -National University of La Plata. Argentina.
8 -National University of Santiago del Estero. Argentina.
9 -National University of Santa Fe. Argentina.
10 -Instituto de Cultura de Portimao. Universidade Senior. Portugal.
11 -Universidade Popular do Porto. Portugal.
12 -Universidade do Autodidacta e Terceira Idade. Portugal.
13 -Universidade Minhota do Autodidacta e Terceira Idade. Portugal.
14 -Universidade de Lisboa para a Terceira Idade. Portugal.
15 -Universidade Senior e Intergeneracional de Lisboa. Portugal.
16 -Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Brazil.
1. Update the guide of University Programmes for Older Adults of Spain, changing or adding data deemed necessary and including an index of the new programmes. To coordinate these changes a Commission shall be appointed.
2. Send information about the University Programmes for Older Adults and the findings of the four National Meetings held so far to the Vice-Chancellors of the Ibero-American Universities in order to get their institutional support to these Programmes.
3. Create a Network of University Programmes for Older Adults in each country. This will lead to a future Ibero-American Network of University Programmes for Older Adults.
4. In the Spanish field, a Preparatory Committee will be created to:
- Propose the regulation of the National Network of University Programmes for Older Adults.
- Stimulate discussions about the scope, evaluation and other defining aspects of the University Programmes for Older Adults.
- Prepare the Fifth National Meeting of University Programmes for Older Adults that will take place in the University of Alicante in the year 2011 and will incorporate an exchange of experiences and a monographic subject.
5. In the Ibero-American field, a Preparatory Committee will be created to:
- Propose the regulation of the Latin American Network of University Programmes for Older Adults.
- Prepare the Second Ibero-American Meeting of University Programmes for Older Adults that will take place in 2002.
6. Set up meetings by time periods, sector, themes and geographic areas of those responsible of the University Programmes for Older Adults, if they commit themselves to broadcast their thoughts and findings.