International Symposium about University Programmes for Older Adults: University programmes for older adults in the construction of the European Higher Education Area – Palma de Mallorca
International Symposium about University Programmes for Older Adults
“The University Programmes for Older Adults in the construction of the European Higher Education Area”
Palma de Mallorca, 6th – 9th May of 2003
Honour Committee:
- Right Honourable Mr President of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Mr Francesç Antich
- His Excellency Mr Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Balearic Islands
- Honourable Mr Councillor of Presidency of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Mr Antoni Garcia
- Honourable Mr Councillor of Education and Culture of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Mr Damià Pons
- Honourable Mrs Councillor of Social Welfare of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Mrs Fernanda Caro
- Honourable Mr Councillor of Innovation and Energy of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Mr Priam de Villalonga
- Honourable Mr Councillor of Tourism of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Mr Celestí Alomar
- Honourable Mr Councillor of Treasury of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Mr Joan Mesquida
- Mr Mayor of Palma, Mr Joan Fageda
Scientific Committee
Dr. Carmen Orte Socías University of the Balearic Islands
- Dr José Arnay Puerta University of la Laguna
- Dr Luís Ballester Brage University of the Balearic Islands
- Dr Santiago Cavanillas Múgica University of the Balearic Islands
- Mrs Julia Gallo Estrada University of the Balearic Islands
- Mrs Joana Gual Frau University of the Balearic Islands
- Dr Franz Kolland University of Vienna
- Dr André Lemieux Universidad de Quebec en Montreal
- Dr Josep Antoni Pérez Castelló University of the Balearic Islands
- Dr Antoni Petrus Rotger University of Barcelona
- Dr Antoni Roig Muntaner University of the Balearic Islands
- Dr Juan Sáez Carreras University of Murcia
- Mrs Carmen Stadelhofer University Ulm (Germany)
- Mrs Carmen Touza Garma University of the Balearic Islands
- Dr Mariano Sánchez Martínez University of Granada
Organising Committee
Dr Mercé Gambús Sáiz, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of University Extension and Cultural Activities of the University of the Balearic Islands
Executive Secretariat:
Dr Carmen Orte Socías, Director of the Open University for Older Adults (UOM) of the U. of the Balearic Islands
- Mr Miquel Morata Blasco, Managing Director of the Balears Europa Centre
- Mrs Paulina Guillem Santamaría, President of the Students Association
University Students and Ex-Students of the Open University for Older Adults:
- Mr Liberto Macías González, Open University for Older Adults
- Mrs Margalida Vives Barceló, Open University for Older Adults
- To be aware of the effects of the European Higher Education Area in the university programmes for older adults.
- To be aware of the reality and the perspectives of the university programmes in different countries of Europa.
- To be aware of the reality and perspectives of the institutional organisations for older adults at international level.
- To be aware of the reality and perspectives of the university programmes for older adults in Spain.
- To analyse the strategies to the incorporation of foreigner students in the university programmes for older adults
- To enable the creation of a university programmes network for older adults
- To enable the creation of an exchange university programme inside the European university area.
6th of May
18,00 – 20,00 Document delivery
7th of May
8,30 – 9 ,30 Document delivery
9,30 – 10,30 Official opening. Academic institutions and institutional
10, 30-11, 00 Break
11, 00-12, 30 Inaugural conference: the University Programmes for Older Adults in the framework of lifelong learning. Mr Raphael Chanterie, member of the Cabinet of Mrs. Viviane Redings, Education, Budget and Relations with the European Parliament Counsellor. Presented by: Mr Damià Pons i Pons. Education and Culture Councillor of the Government of the Balearic Islands.
12, 30-14, 00 The construction of the European Higher Education Area and its impact on University Programmes for Older Adults. President of the CRUE and President of the European University Association (EUA). Presented by: Rector of the UIB.
14, 00-16, 30 Lunchtime
6, 30-18, 00 Situation and perspectives of University Programmes for Older Adults in Germany (Mrs Carmen Sladelholer), Belgium and Switzerland (Mr Louis Bourgeois), Nordic countries (Mrs Maj Aldskogius) and England (Mrs Lesley Hart). Presenting and moderating: Mr. Franz Kolland, University of Vienna.
18, 00-18, 45 Posters (subject areas)
19.30 Reception “Consolat de la mar – Consulate of the sea”
21.00 Institutional Concert. Europe's day.
8th of May
9: 00-10: 30 The current status and perspectives of University Programmes for Older Adults in the Mediterranean and South Europe: Portugal (Mrs Maria da Graça Pinto), Italy (Mrs Maria-Caterina Federici), Spain (Mrs Carmen Orte), Malta (Mr Marvin Formosa). Presenting and moderating: Mr Mariano Sánchez Martínez University of Granada.
10, 30-11, 00 Break
11 00-12, 30 University programmes for older adults as a factor of social and cultural integration Mrs Catalina Mut Gomila, Director of the Family Attention and Primary Health Care service of the Town Council of Calvià (Mallorca); Mrs Concha Bru Ronda, University of Alicante; Mr José Arnay Puerta, University of La Laguna. Presenting and moderating: Mrs. Adoración Holgado Sánchez, Pontifical University of Salamanca.
12: 30-14: 00 The current status and perspectives of international university organisations for older adults. AIUTA (Mr Louis Bourgeois), TALIS (Mrs Carolynn Rafman), Education and Ageing (Ms Alexandra Withnall). Presenting and moderating: Mrs Carmen Stadelhofer. University Ulm of Germany.
14, 00-16, 30 Lunchtime
16, 30-18, 00 The institutional future of university programmes for older adults in Spain. Mrs Mercé Gambús Sáiz. Deputy Vice-Chancellor of University Extension and Cultural Activities of the UBI; Mr Francisco Javier Martos Perales, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Postgraduate and Continuous Training of the University of Granada. Mr Mario Bedera Bravo Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the of the University Extension, the University of Valladolid. Mrs Juana Castaño Ruiz Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Studies and Postgraduate of the University of Murcia. Presenting and moderating: Mr Santiago Cavanillas Múgica, University of the Balearic Islands
19.30 Palma Town Hall Reception in the Bellver Castle
21.00 Concert of the Choral in the University of the Balearic Islands.
9th of May
9, 30-11, 00 The perspective of students in university programmes for older adults, Mr Miguel Guirao Pérez, Mrs Antonia Maria Salas Vidal, Mrs Josefa Vicente Alcázar, Mrs Ana Mª González Yáñez students of university programmes for older adults of the universities of Granada, Balearic Islands, Murcia and Valladolid. Presenting and moderating: Mrs Julia Gallo Estrada. University of the Balearic Islands.
11,00-11 30 Break
11,30 Closing Conference, Mrs Josefina Aldecoa. Written, presented and moderated by Mr Francisco Díaz de Castro, Professor of Spanish Literature in the University of the Balearic Islands.
13.30 Conclusions and Official Closing
14.30 Closing Lunch in the Catering School of the Campus of the UBI.
Technical Secretariat
Mr Catin Riera Femenias
Deputy Vice-Chancellor of University Extension and Cultural Activities
Passatge de Santa Catalina de Siena, 2, 1F (España building) Els Geranis. 07002 Palma (Balearic Islands)
Tel. and Fax.: +34 971 495 217 and 620 82 74 29/30
Web page:
Dates of the Symposium
Palma de Mallorca, 6th – 9th of May 2003
Symposium venue
The Auditorium of Palma de Mallorca, cultural centre in the Paseo Marítimo, in front of the sea.
Enrolment process better through Internet, but it is also possible to make it via fax or email.
When making the enrolment it is required to send a photocopy of the status and the justification of the payment.
There is a discount in enrolments made before the 20th of March 2003.
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