Thursday, 16th of December of 2014, at 11:00 hour.
In the Venue of the Senior University Programme of A Coruña
Classroom 1. Paseo de Ronda, 47, 1º. 15011 A CORUÑA
The National Study about the Use TICs in the University Programmes for Older Adults has been made in the framework of the State Association of University Programmes for Older Adults (AEPUM in Spanish). The University of A Coruña as a member university that has participated in this mentioned research, and organizes through the Senior University and in collaboration with AEPUM, this Conference in which we present the study “THE USE OF TICs IN THE UNIVERSITY PROGRAMMES FOR OLDER ADUTLS”, and its more conclusive data in the national scope, as well as the results obtained for the group of State Universities of the Galician Community.
More information and programme