Minute of the IMSERSO - Madrid
Board |
National Committee |
Organization |
IMSERSO (Spanish abbreviation for “Institute of Seniors and Social Services) |
Attendees |
Pontifical University of Salamanca: Mrs Adoración Holgado Sánchez and another companion.
Apologized for being unable to attend:
Agreements: |
Content |
The National Committee of University Programmes for Older Adults was created on April 2001 during the V National Meeting of University Programmes for Older Adults held in Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife). The objectives that the Committee plans to achieve during the 2001-2002 academic year are two. First of all, to collaborate in the organization of the VI Meeting to be held in Alicante. Secondly, to ensure that the requests of the Programmes, as far as their insertion in the university structures, are contemplated in the Organic Law of Universities. The people and universities that make up the Committee are:
In the following pages you will find all the information related to the three meetings that the Committee has held up to this moment. We kindly ask you to spread this information among the students of the Programme at your university. You can send us your suggestions and opinions by replying to this email we send you.
Cordial Greetings
José Arnay Puerta Secretary of the Committee
On 20th June, 2001, at the IMSERSO headquarters in Madrid, a meeting of the National Committee of University Programmes for Older Adults was held, convened at 5 p.m. by the Secretary of the Committee, Mr José Arnay Puerta of the University of La Laguna. At that meeting attended as members:
From the Pontifical University of Salamanca: Mrs Adoración Holgado Sánchez and another companion.
Apologized for being unable to attend:
To elaborate and approve “the document that collects the positions of the university programmes for older adults before the Law of Universities” in order that these trainings are included in the aforementioned Law. The proposals of the documents that had previously been sent to all the members of the National Committee were discussed, as well as that of Mrs Carmen Orte, from the University of the Balearic Islands, together with the one delivered by Mr Juan Antonio Lorenzo Vicente, from the Complutense University on behalf of the Universities of Madrid. As a result of the proposals and the debates, the document attached to the end was approved for inclusion in the aforementioned Law of Universities. As a result of the proposal and the debates, the document attached as Appendix I was approved for inclusion in the Draft Organic Law of Universities.
To design and approve the strategies to achieve that this proposal is included in the Law of Universities, currently in the preliminary Draft phase. For this purpose, it was agreed: To send the approved document to the Secretary of State for Universities. To promote an interview with the General Director of Universities to deliver the document and formally invite the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports to be part of the National Committee, as agreed at the V National Meeting of University Programmes for Older Adults. This management was entrusted to Mr José María Mayán Santos of the University of Santiago de Compostela, who together with Mrs María Dolores Zahonero Virgili, from the IMSERSO and Mr Juan Antonio Lorenzo Vicente, from the Complutense University, will attend this interview. To write the formal invitation letter to be part of the National Committee of the University Programmes for Older Adults of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. This document will be drafted and signed on behalf of the Committee by Mr José Arnay Puerta, who acts as Secretary of the same. To send the document approved by the National Committee to all the University Programmes for Older Adults of the different universities, in order that the Vice-chancellor of them have knowledge of it. To present this approved document to the CRUE (Spanish abbreviation for Conference of Vice-chancellors of Spanish Universities), through the Vice-chancellor of the University of a Laguna, a task which was carried out by Mr José Arnay Puerta, representative of said University. To evaluate on the part of each university the possibility of informing and transferring this proposal to the Ministries of Social Services and Education of the respective Autonomous Communities. It was considered that each University assesses the convenience or not of this measure and that they can act accordingly.
To invite the University of Alicante to proceed to convene the next meeting of the National Committee at its headquarters, on 7th and 8th September, 2001, in order to prepare the “Call of the VI National Meeting of University Programmes for Older Adults”. In this meeting the call of the VI National Meeting will be addressed, whose theme was approved in the V Meeting: “The models – Framework of university programmes for older adults”. It was also agreed to deal with the study for the constitution of a National Association of University Programmes for Seniors, designing the steps and strategies to be given for possible approval in the VI Meeting to be held in Alicante in 2002.
That the IMSERSO proceed to update the University Programmes Guide in order to have an understanding of the number of University Programmes currently in existence. For this purpose, it will proceed to send all the universities that have this type of programmes to complete and send the corresponding records to that institution. This update was considered of special importance.
Other aspects that were discussed in the meeting dealt with issues related to the possibility that, either through these university programmes or courses specially designed for this purpose, students who take them with advantage can fully or partially validate the admissions test for people over 25 and to access to the official studies of the University in the same conditions than those indicated when this test is passed. The University of Murcia already has a very advanced project in this regard. Also, the importance of incorporating research on older adults, training specialists for educational care of seniors from university programmes, etc. In Madrid on 20th June, 2001
José Arnay Puerta Secretary of the National Committee of University Programmes for Older Adults
PROPOSAL OF THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF UNIVERSITY PROGRAMMES FOR OLDER ADULTS IN ORDER THAT THESE UNIVERSITY PROGRAMMES TO BE COLLECTED IN THE DRAFT OF THE LAW OF UNIVERSITIES. The National Committee of University Programmes for Older Adults, in its meeting held in Madrid on 20th June, 2001, agreed, in relation to the Draft Organic Law of Universities, to transmit to the Spanish Hon. Mrs Minister of Education, Culture and Sports the following considerations: Keeping with the spirit that flows from the words of the Hon. Mrs Minister, in her speech to present the Draft Law of Universities, in the sense that it is a challenge to “elaborate a normative framework that stimulates the dynamism of the university students and of the society in function of higher levels of excellence, rigor, work and integration in the social context”: This Committee understands that the current context of the knowledge and information society, the shortening of working life, as well as the increase in life expectancy in our country, lead to new perspectives in the active life of older people out of the labor framework. Specific university education for seniors responds to needs such as: deepening the democratization of inequalities, the integration and social participation of these people in society, the promotion of intra and intergenerational relationships, which contribute to the maintenance of the quality of life, together with the opening and diversification of options for the continuation of active life in non-labor contexts. The social reality has led to the fact that in the last ten years, the education addressed to older adults is working in forty-seven Spanish universities in a satisfactory manner, so it is urgent to regulate these teachings within the framework of the current Draft Organic Law of Universities.
For all the above, and in order to enrich the Draft presented by the Ministry of Education, culture and Sports, we propose:
That in section d) of article 2 concerning the general provisions, the following wording is included: d) The dissemination of knowledge and culture to the whole society through university extension and life-long training, including specific teaching for seniors.
In article 4, to include a new section with the following wording: The approval of specific university education for seniors, whose structure will be regulated on a regular basis.
The meeting begins following the agenda:
1. REPORT OF THE MEETING WITH THE GENERAL BOARD OF UNIVERSITIES. Held on 17th July, 2001 and attended by Mr Juan Antonio Lorenzo, Mrs Dolores Zahonero and Mrs Mª Adoración Holgado. They were received by the Deputy Director of the General Board of Universities. Mr Juan Antonio Lorenzo informs that the meeting took place in a positive environment and that the document prepared was delivered to the Deputy Director. The Deputy Director expressed his interest in the proposal and indicated that there was no problem in collecting the reference to life-long learning of seniors. In fact, it has been included in the draft submitted for approval, but he expressed concern about the CRUE’s opinion of putting a section where the future regulation of these programmes is established and which does not appear in the Draft. The Deputy Director requested being informed of the procedures that were being carried out. It is therefore agreed that the Committee will prepare a document arguing the need for a specific regulation for these programmes that is included in article 34 of the draft law.
Strategy to follow:
Suggestions for the document:
Dates of work
2. PREPARATION OF THE VI MEETING For detailed information about the VI Meeting you can consult the following link of the University of Alicante: http://www.aepumayores.org/es/contenido/vi-encuentro-nacional-alicante
To try to get the draft that the Ministry has sent to the universities about admissions tests and send a copy to the rest of the Committee, for its study. To request information from the University of Murcia that had made a draft. To prepare a document that collects the application and to submit it to the General Board of Universities.
4. SUGGESTIONS Finally, José Arnay presents three possible logos of the Committee to send the information to the different programme managers. So far, that is what he has been doing with the logo of the University of La Laguna. One is accepted. The cost will be paid by the IMSERSO in charge of the V and the VI Meeting.
The members of the Committee were received at the headquarters of the Rectorate by Mr Juan Antonio Lorenzo Vicente, Director of the “University for Older Adults” Programme of the Complutense University, who welcomed them and indicated the plan of work envisaged, as well as that they would be accompanied by Mr Eduardo Rodríguez Merchán, Deputy Vice-chancellor of University Extension, during the meal, and that they would be greeted by the Hon. Vice-chancellor at some point during the meeting. The Secretary of the Committee Mr José Arnay delivered the agenda to the attendees, which was structured as follows: Analysis and evaluation of the parliamentary procedure of the Organic Law of Universities (Congress and Senate). Decisions that proceed. Analysis and approval of the draft questionnaire for the study of the national situation of the Programmes for Older Adults, presented by Mrs Adoración Holgado. Work plan, calendar and designation of people who will make the presentation – framework of the VI National Meeting to be held in Alicante. Discussion of the proposals related to the modification of the Decree that modifies the admissions for people over 25. Decisions that proceed. Work plan, calendar and designation of people who prepare the draft of the National Association of University Programmes for Older Adults.
Before discussing the points of the agenda, presented by the Secretary of the Committee, Mrs Dolores Zahonero Virgili gave an account of the information she had regarding the meeting that the Universities of Andalusia had held in Seville on 9th July, 2001. She proceeded to read and comment on the minutes sent to him by Mr Manuel Velásquez Clavijo, from the University of Seville. The directors of the Programmes of Cádiz, Huelva, Granada, Jaén, Málaga and Seville met (Almería justified its absence). They unanimously agreed on a document regarding the definition of University Programmes, knowledge and students’ profile, number of students per classroom, number of courses and credits, amount of tuition, Director, Teaching Staff, funding, certificate and/or Diplomas, access to the Faculties. A turn was opened for the members of the Committee to report on their respective Communities. Mr Juan Antonio Lorenzo intervened to inform about the situation of the Universities of Madrid. These Universities meet periodically to discuss issues related to them. There is a working group formed by the six universities in Madrid that currently have University Programmes for Seniors or related activities (University of Alcalá, Autonomous University of Madrid, University Carlos III, Complutense University, Pontifical University of Comillas and San Pablo CEU University), the General Directorate of Seniors of the Ministry of Social Services of the Community of Madrid, and the General Board of Community Universities, which has recently named a representative. Among the agreements adopted, it is listed the one of carrying out the joint publication of the places offered by these Programmes in the Community of Madrid (this has already been done for this course). They are also working to establish a Regional Association of University Programmes for Seniors, and thus establishing channels of collaboration and coordination between the different Programmes, the General Directorate of Seniors and the General Board of Community Universities. She also gave an account of a meeting that the directors of all the Programmes and the General Director of Seniors had recently had with the General Director of Universities, who was informed of the activities of the Programmes and the activities and proposals of the National Committee. Before all of them, the Director was very interested and receptive, offering to facilitate communication with representatives of the Popular Group of Congress and the Senate so that the proposals of the National Committee to the future Law of Universities were incorporated. Mrs Adoración Holgado, from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, informed that on the 7th the representatives of other Universities of Castile and León, representatives of the Autonomous Community and herself would meet to discuss the possibility that other Universities also participate in these Programmes. Mrs Concepción Bru, from the University of Alicante, also gave an account of the contacts between the Universities of the Community of Valencia. And the same did Mr José Arnay, regarding the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands. Mr Josep Mª Sabaté also informed about the meetings that periodically celebrate the Universities of Catalonia. Given that Mr Bernabé Sarabia had joined the meeting somewhat later, Mr José Arnay proceeded to summarize the two previous sessions that the National Committee had held to date (20th June in Madrid, and 7th and 8th September in Alicante). Then, point one of the Agenda was discussed. From September meeting in Alicante, a deadline was established for the members of the Committee to send proposals on the inclusion of a section in the Law of Universities that established channels of connection between the general principles of the same, where the university education for seniors are already listed, albeit in a generic way, and the autonomy of the Universities to approve their respective Programmes. All the members of the Committee had previously received a document prepared by Mrs Adoración Holgado, and a second one, which included the previous document and incorporated new proposals by Mr Juan Antonio Lorenzo. This document gives an account of the Committee’s proposals of 20th June of the reception that they had by the MECD, of the reasons that justify a new proposal and the realization of three models to discuss and approve, where appropriate. The three proposals that were included in the document were read by Mr Juan Antonio Lorenzo:
In article 34 of the Bill it is proposed to incorporate:
Option A (Adoración Holgado):
4. “The University Programmes for Older Adults are teachings with special characteristics that can be accredited according to the basic guidelines that are established.”
4. "The specific teachings of the Permanent Training for Older Adults organized by Universities are teachings with special characteristics that can be accredited according to the basic guidelines that are established.”
Option B (Adoración Holgado): Modify section 3, which could be as follows:
3. "Universities may establish teachings leading to the obtaining of own diplomas and degrees. The specific teachings for the training of older people, due to their special characteristics, may be accredited according to the basic guidelines established. These diplomas and degrees will lack the effects that the legal provisions grant to those mentioned in section 1 above.”
Option C (Juan Antonio Lorenzo):
4. "The specific teachings of life-long learning enshrined in article 2.2, section d), referred to seniors, will be approved by the Universities from the general guidelines established by regulation. These teachings will lack the effects that the legal provisions grant to the diplomas and degrees mentioned in section 1 above.” At this point, various contributions were made. Asked Mr Bernabé Sarabia about what would be the most appropriate procedures to present the proposal, he felt that it was necessary to resort both to the formal channels (to deliver the request made to the Ministry) and to personal ones (request an interview with the Secretary of State for Education and Universities), as well as with representatives of parliamentary groups in the Senate. He also thought that it would be good to have a brief document (dossier) on these Programmes that could be presented to the various authorities and media. Likewise, he highlighted the convenience of publishing an article in a national newspaper, if possible, to disseminate the initiative. After issuing various opinions on option C) it was agreed to propose the inclusion of a new section in article 34 of the Bill, during its processing in the Senate, with the following wording: “Art. No. 34. Establishment of university degrees and of the general guidelines of their study plans.”
4. The specific teachings of life-long learning enshrined in article 2.2, section d), referred to seniors by their particular characteristics will be approved by the Universities from the general guidelines established by regulation. The accreditation of these teachings will lack the effects that the legal provisions grant to the diplomas and degrees mentioned in section 1 above.”
The members of the Committee residing in Madrid, Mrs Dolores Zahonero Virgili, Mr Bernabé Sarabia and Mr Juan Antonio Lorenzo, were entrusted to send this proposal, both to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and to the representatives of the Popular Group in the Senate. The possibility of contacting other parliamentary groups was also assessed, with Mr Josep Mª Sabaté taking charge of a possible contact with the group Convergencia I Unió, and Mr José Arnay, with the group Coalición Canaria. The possibility of transferring it to all parliamentary groups was raised, although finally it was decided what stated in the previous paragraph, given that what was sought was that, given the limited time available, these efforts could succeed. At this point of the meeting a debate began on the university teaching staff, the life-long learning, the functional structure of the University Programmes for Older Adults and of the future after these (associationism, active participation in society, self-training groups, etc.). Next, it was agreed to move to point 4 of the agenda, regarding the admissions test for people over 25, given that Mr Bernabé Sarabia could not remain until the end of the meeting. The debate began with two proposals. One presented by Mrs Carmen Orte, who delivered a document in which after arguing some aspects about the content of the project of the Royal Decree of Access for People Over 25 at University, proposed the introduction in it of an additional provision that makes possible the validation of the courses of the Universities for Older Adults, with the following wording:
"The Universities, in accordance with the tests that regulate the present Royal Decree, will be able to validate, partially or totally, the same ones to the students of the programmes and courses of the Universities for Older Adults that fulfill the academic requirements that each University approves.”
The other proposal was presented by Mr Juan Antonio Lorenzo, who expressed in the following sense:
"People over 50 years enter the University directly, without needing any degree, if they have successfully attended any degree of the University Programmes for Older Adults in the options determined by regulation. In any case, the general test can be validated in all the options if after having attended the trainings of the Programme successfully they have studied within them a modern language.”
On this issue, a debate is established, with positions in favour of the proposal of Mrs Carmen Orte, supported by Mrs Adoración Holgado and herself, and partially by Mr José Mª Sabaté. Regarding to the second option, the supporters of it are: Mrs Dolores Zahonero Virgili, Mrs Concepción Bru and Mr Juan Antonio Lorenzo. After an intense debate in which it was not possible to agree on one of them or an alternative, it was agreed to send the proposal made by Mrs Carmen Orte: “The Universities, in accordance with the tests that regulate the present Royal Decree, will be able to validate, partially or totally, the same ones to the students of the programmes and courses of the Universities for Older Adults that fulfill the academic requirements that each University approves.” At approximately 2:15 p.m., there was a break for lunch, so the meeting was suspended. The Deputy Vice-chancellor of University Extension, Mr Eduardo Rodríguez Merchán, joined the meeting and, after lunch, the Vice-chancellor Mr Rafael Puyol Antolín greeted the members of the Committee, being interested in the works of the Committee and being informed by the Secretary of the National Committee Mr José Arnay. At 4:15 p.m. the meeting was resumed to continue discussing the points on the agenda. A summary of the tasks assigned to each one of the members of the Committee was made with respect to the two points already discussed. Mr Juan Antonio Lorenzo would draft the proposals and the writing to the Secretary of State for Education, delivering it immediately. Mr José Arnay will prepare a dossier on the University Programmes for Older Adults. Mr Josep Mª Sabaté undertook to write an article and Mr Bernabé Sarabia was responsible for processing the interview with the Secretary of State for Education, once the corresponding request had been submitted to the MECD Register. Mr Bernabé Sarabia, at this time, said goodbye to the Committee because he had to be absent due to other obligations. Then, they proceeded to study the draft of the Questionnaire elaborated by Mrs Adoración Holgado, which was already known by all the members of the Committee. A floor for discussion was opened, through which contributions were made to the draft prepared. Mrs Adoración Holgado undertook to introduce the proposals made with which the document was considered approved. This will be sent to the members of the Committee over the next few days. Mrs Dolores Zahonero was entrusted with the submission of the questionnaire to all the Programmes. These should be returned to Adoración Holgado duly completed before 15th December by each programme, either by email or by another procedure that guarantees its reception. The tabulation of the questionnaires will be carried out by the Pontifical University and the Complutense University. Then, aspects related to the VI Meeting to be held in Alicante in April, 2002 were discussed. Mrs Concepción Bru reported the managements taken to date, the contacts, financing, receipt of the first statement, etc. Some names were confirmed to participate in the Meeting and it was reported that others had not responded to the request or had declined the invitation. Mrs Dolores Zahonero Virgili informed of a proposal made by Mercé Pérez Salanova, from Barcelona, agreeing that the comparative study of the Programmes to be done before the presentation of experts on various topics related to seniors. There is an agreement in which there is stated that the framework presentation of the Meeting will be presented by Mrs Concepción Bru, from the University of Alicante, but is has not been yet determined who will participate in its development, except the study on the University Programmes that will be carried out by the Pontifical University and the Complutense University. It was agreed that proposals on the structure of the presentation were sent to Alicante before the end of November. Due to time, point 5 of the Agenda, related to the State Association of Programmes, could not be discussed. The Committee agreed to meet in mid-January, without determining day or place. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7 p.m.
Attached as an appendix, the document with the proposals approved by the National Committee
Hon. Mr. Secretary of State for Education and Universities:
The National Committee of University Programmes for Older Adults, held in Madrid on 6th November, 2001, has agreed to attach two proposals. The first of them, referred to the inclusion of a section in the Draft Organic Law of Universities in article 34 thereof concerning the need for University Teaching for Older Adults which have general guidelines from which Universities specify and approve their respective Programmes within the scope of their autonomy. In second place, the Committee proposes the inclusion, in the Royal Decree Project of access for people over 25 to the University, of a section that recognizes the possibility of validating, totally or partly, the admissions tests for people over 25 to those who take advantage of these Programmes. The Committee has also agreed to request an interview with V.E. in order to personally convey these requests to him. To this interview Mrs Mª Dolores Zahonero, from the IMSERSO; Mr Bernabé Sarabia, Advisor of the Hon. Mr Secretary of State for Education and Universities; and Juan Antonio Lorenzo Vicente, from the Complutense University, will attend as representatives of the National Committee. We ask you that this interview, if that is convenient, may be held as soon as possible, since the parliamentary procedure in the Senate begins these days. The interview can be reached through Mr Bernabé Sarabia. We thank you for the interest that the Secretary of State has shown in the requests made by the National Committee, and we hope that on this occasion to be also sensitive on this topic that we consider relevant for the Ministry of Education, as well as for the rest of the Educational Administration.
Madrid, 7th November, 2001
On behalf of the National Commisttee
Signed: Juan Antonio Lorenzo Vicente.
Hon. Mr Secretary of State for Education and Universities. Ministry for Education, Culture and Sports. Alcalá Street, no. 34. Madrid. PROPOSAL OF THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF UNIVERSITY PROGRAMMES FOR OLDER ADULTS FOR THE INCLUSION OF A SECTION IN ARTICLE 34 OF THE DRAFT ORGANIC LAW OF UNIVERSITIES The National Committee of University Programmes for Older Adults, in its meeting on 20th June, 2001, agreed to propose to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports the inclusion of some aspects that would reflect the new educational reality represented by the University Programmes for Older Adults, that at this moment take part of about fifty universities.
In the proposal of the aforementioned date, the inclusion in section d) of article 2 of the Draft Law, concerning the general provisions, was proposed as follows:
“d) The dissemination of knowledge and culture to the whole society through university extension and life-long training, including specific teachings for seniors.”
It was also proposed to include in Article 4 of the aforementioned draft a new section with the following text:
“The approval of specific university education for seniors, whose structure will be developed by regulation.”
The Committee is obliged to recognize the good reception that the proposal received from the authorities of the Ministry. However, this request was partially collected, given that the Bill approved by the Government contained this petition in the following terms:
Art. No. 1, section 2. The functions of the University at the service of society are:
d) The dissemination of knowledge and culture through university extension and life-long learning.
Art. No. 2. University autonomy.
2) Under the terms of this Law, the autonomy of the Universities includes:
d) The elaboration and approval of study and research plans and specific life-long training courses.
The National Committee of University Programmes for Older Adults, in its meeting held in Madrid on 6th November, 2001, has considered that it must propose again to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, through the Secretary of State for Education and Universities, a proposal that can be included in the parliamentary procedure that the Bill will have in the Senate shortly. The National Committee understands that the Draft Law appropriately includes in the preliminary Title these teachings that are already a reality and have important expectations of development in the immediate future. We consider, given the current reality of these Programmes, that the Law, in this aspect, would be improved if a section were included in Article 34 of the Bill that establishes a homogenizing (non-uniforming) framework of them. With the current draft of the Bill, there is no link between the definition of these teachings and the approval by Universities of these Programmes. In this sense, they would only fit in section 3 of the Bill. It is a desire and a felt need by the Universities to which this National Committee represents, that if it is considered convenient, a new section is included in article 34 that establishes the connection between the recognition in the Law of this type of teaching and the autonomy of the Universities to concretize them in their respective Programmes. For this reason, we propose the inclusion in article 34 of a new section: Article 34. Establishment of university degrees and of the general guidelines of their study plans. 4. The specific life-long training in article 2.2., section d), referred to older adults by their particular characteristics, will be approved by the universities, based on the general guidelines established by regulation. The accreditation of these teachings will lack the effects that the legal provisions grant to the diplomas and degrees mentioned in section 1 above.
6 - 11 - 2001.
PROPOSAL OF THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF UNIVERSITY PROGRAMMES FOR OLDER ADULTS FOR THE INCLUSION OF A SECTION IN THE PROJECT OF ROYAL DECREE OF ADMISSIONS TESTS TO UNIVERSITY FOR PEOPLE OVER 25 The National Committee of University Programmes for Older Adults, which represents the Universities that count on this type of education, having knowledge of the next publication of a Royal Decree that modifies the existing regulations regarding the access of people over 25 to University, in its meeting in Madrid on 6th November, 2001, has agreed to propose to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports the inclusion of a section that reflects the possibility that the teachings taught through these Programmes have some recognition for the purposes of access for people over 25 to the University.
Therefore, we propose, in case it is considered convenient, the inclusion of a section which states the following:
The Universities, in accordance with the test that the present Royal Decree regulates will be able to validate, totally or partially, the same ones to the students of the University Programmes for Older Adults that fulfill the academic requirements that each University approves. |