
Listado de actividades englobadas en el Año Europeo del Envejecimiento Activo realizadas por los PUPM.

Título Fecha Universidad
Evaluation of the University Programs for Older Adults: motivations, difficulties and contributions to life quality 01/01/2005 Universidad de Barcelona
Longitudinal study on active aging 01/01/2005 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
University Education of Older Adults in Castilla y León: SWOT Analysis and Innovative Approaches to manage its Quality. 01/01/2005 Universidad de Burgos
Level of Activity at old age: relationship between cognitive plasticity and cognitive maintenance 01/01/2005 Universidad de Granada
Intergenerational Program for Community development. Active Ageing 01/01/2005 Universidad de Granada
Analysis and evaluation of the programs to promote mutual intergenerational help. Transferability to Europe. 01/01/2005 Universidad de Alicante
Influence of physical activity and balanced diet in preventing cognitive aging 01/01/2005 UNED
3rd Meeting of the State Association of the University Programs for Older Adults - Coreses (Zamora) 16/11/2004
II Meeting of the Spanish National Association of University Programmes for Older Adults – Madrid 02/07/2004
I Meeting of the State Association of University Programs for Older Adults - Madrid 27/02/2004
Meeting of the AEPUM Board of Directors - Madrid 27/02/2004
Board of Directors' Meeting - Alicante 29/01/2004
The expasion of the university programs for older adults as a social phenomenon 01/01/2004 Universitat Jaume I
The expasion of the university programs for older adults as a social phenomenon 01/01/2004 Universitat Jaume I
The expasion of the university programs for older adults as a social phenomenon 01/01/2004 Universitat Jaume I
8th STATE CONFERENCE OF THE UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS FOR OLDER ADULTS. Older adults and the university: a bet for lifelong learning 01/01/2004
Board of Directors' Meeting - Santiago de Compostela 05/12/2003
European Senior Citizens’ Storyboard 01/08/2003 Universidad A Coruña
EuCoNet 01/08/2003 Universidad de Alicante