I Meeting of the State Association of University Programs for Older Adults - Madrid



  1. Report of the Secretary of the Provisional Board of Directors.
  2. Creation of the Association:
    1. Accreditation of the founding members
    2. Passing of the procedure rules.
    3. Passing of the Articles of Association.
    4. Setting-up of the electoral committee, presentation and admission of candidates, election of the Board of Directors and proclamation of the chosen candidates.
    5. Setting-up of the Board of Directors.
  3. Proposals and passing of venues and topics for future Scientific Seminars and State Meetings.
  4. Any other business.


1. The Provisional Secretary informs about the work carried out by the Provisional Board of Directors since the VII Meeting. Their work has been focused on issuing the draft of the Articles of Association, writing it again and preparing the Constituent Meeting.

2. Creation of the Association.

2.1. Accreditation of the founding members.

To check the accreditations, the Provisional Secretary asks the representative of the University of Córdoba, given his degree on Law, to be part of the committee.

At first 19 Universities are accredited, which are listed as follows, and The Complutense University of Madrid will be added to the list at 12:45.

The accredited Universities are the following:

U. Castilla la Mancha
U. of León
U. of Burgos
U. of Las Palmas
U. of Almería
U. of Granada
U. of La Laguna
Pontifical U. of Salamanca
U. of Girona
U. Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona)
U. of Santiago de Compostela
U. of Murcia
U. of Alicante
U. of Córdoba
U. of San Pablo-CEU
U. of Málaga
U. of Salamanca
Catholic U. of Ávila
Pontifical U. of Comillas
After the accreditation of the founding members a debate is open:

The Complutense University requests the admission of some universities that are lack of some documents due to the delay of the respective governmental bodies, but which councils or rectors have shown their desire to be part of the association.

The Secretary expressed that he understands that request but that there has been enough time to pass the articles of association and a delay in passing the articles of association or in presenting them would cause serious alterations and problems.

Other universities agree with the Secretary of the association, such as those of Granada, Murcia, Girona or Rovira i Virgili. They say that the dates and deadlines were known since the VII Meeting at the Escorial. It is also agreed that the new committee that is going to be appointed will hold in June an Extraordinary Meeting to accept new universities in the association.

2.2. The procedure rules to pass the articles of association and the election of the President and the Board of Directors are approved by consent.

2.3. The Articles of Association are unanimously approved by all the accredited universities.

2.4. Setting-up of the electoral committee.

Its setting-up is decided by draw with the following results in the order in which they came out:

U. of Córdoba
U. of Alicante
U. of Murcia
U. Castilla la Mancha
U. of La Laguna
U. of León
U. of Santiago de Compostela
U. of Málaga
U. of San Pablo-CEU
Pontifical U. of Salamanca
Pontifical U. of Comillas
U. of Girona
U. of Las Palmas
U. of Burgos
U. of Salamanca
Catholic U. of Ávila
U. of Almería
U. of Granada
U. Rovira i Virgili
Complutense U.
After this draw the electoral committee is set up by the universities of Castilla-La Mancha, San Pablo-CEU and the Pontifical University of Comillas, given that the preceding universities were candidates to the Board of Directors of the Association.

Only the University of La Laguna was candidate to President of the Association. According to the rules of the Meeting, the candidate has to explain how he is going to proceed if his candidature is supported. The projects and the actions must pursue the same goals pursued by the former Board of Directors and the new projects after the Meeting must continue with the main goals open to consolidate and strengthen the University Programs for Older Adults.

That university is elected with 19 votes in favor and one abstention, so the University of La Laguna is proclaimed to be the President of the Association.

During the session, The Complutense University submits its documentation approved by the procedure rules and the articles of association and it presents its candidature to be member of the Board of Directors.

The following universities are candidates to be members of the Board of Directors of the Association:

U. of Córdoba
U. of Alicante
U. of Murcia
U. of León
U. of Santiago de Compostela
U. of Málaga
Pontifical U. of Salamanca
U. of Girona
U. of Las Palmas
U. of Burgos
U. of Granada
U. Rovira i Virgili
Complutense U.
After the voting the total count of votes for each candidate is as follows:

U. of Córdoba 11
U. of Alicante 16
U. of Murcia 14
U. of León 6
U. of Santiago de Compostela 16
U. of Málaga 4
Pontifical U. of Salamanca 16
U. of Girona 17
U. of Las Palmas 6
U. of Burgos 4
U. of Granada 13
U. Rovira i Virgili 12
Complutense U. 7
Therefore the universities chosen to be members of the Board of Directors of the Association are the Universities of Girona, Alicante, the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Murcia, Granada, Rovira i Virgili and Córdoba, and the Board of Directors is set up with the aforementioned universities.

3. Proposals and passing of venues and topics for future Scientific Seminars and State Meetings.

i. It is proposed to hold the VIII Meeting (2004) in Zamora.

ii. The University of Murcia proposes to hold a seminar in 2005 about The University Programs for Older Adults in the European Area of Higher Education.

iii. The University of Almería suggests to hold the Meeting of 2006 in Almería.

4. Any other business.

No other matters to be talked about.