Meeting of the AEPUM Board of Directors - Madrid


The new Board of Directors meets to remember the remaining work and organize the upcoming activities and duties of the Association:

1st Association Registration by the Pontifical University of Salamanca as Secretariat of the Board of Directors, with the support of the Complutense University.

2nd- Once the VAT identification number of the Association is available, the University of Murcia will open a bank account as Treasury.

3rd- The Founding Charter is sent by the University of La Laguna to all Universities stating that:
* All 20 Universities that are part of the Association are Founding Members..
* All 8 Universities in the Board of Directors have been officially chosen.
* New partners will be admitted in June. Message to the rest of Universities.

4th- Form Working Committees with members of the Board of Directors. It is possible and necessary to ask for collaboration from those Universities deemed appropriate.

The Committees must take care of these urgent tasks:
 A- Draft the White Paper approved by IMSERSO and the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC).
 B- Strengthen institutional relationships: CRUE (Spanish Universities Chancellors' Association), MEC.
 C- Develop broadcast methods: Magazine and webpage.
 D- Boost research.

In connection with the tasks and coordination of the different Committees, it is agreed:

A-To request to the Complutense University the collaboration of José Antonio Lorenzo, as Director of the Committee in charge of writing the White Paper.

B- José Arnay will handle to the University of La Laguna a report on the Association for its submission in the next CRUE meeting. 
- Keep working in the recognition, validation and homologation of University Programmes for Older Adults.  Coordinators: La Laguna, Pontifical of Salamanca and Complutense University.
- Validation, homologation of admission tests to Official degrees for students over 25 years. Coordinators: Murcia and Santiago

C- Website creation. Coordinator: University of Alicante 
- Study the proposals of publishing the Association Magazine. Alicante and Granada are in charge. 

D- Lines of research: 
- Programmes' Evaluation: Coordinators: Girona, Rovira y Vigili and Pontifical of Salamanca.
- European Convergence, European Higher Education Area. Coordinator: Alicante and Murcia.

5th- Draft the Internal Regulations. A proposal will be drafted by Córdoba, Murcia and Complutense.

6th- Upcoming Meetings and Seminars:
- The Pontifical University of Salamanca will inform about the steps of the Universities of Castile and Leon to the Board as organizers of the Eighth Spanish National Meeting that will be held in Zamora.
The following topics are proposed for the Eighth Meeting:
- Lifelong learning.
- The function of University in Lifelong Learning .
- Social broadcast of Lifelong Learning.
- Older Adults and the University: a lifelong learning proposal.
- Pedagogy and Methodology in adult training.
- Problems of adult training.

- Thematic Seminar for the year 2005: University Programmes for Older Adults in the European Higher Education Area. Coordinator: University of Murcia.
- The Ninth Meetingthat will be held in the year 2006 will be coordinated by the University of Almería.