
Launch of the European Year Awards 2012

Año Europeo del Envejecimiento Activo

As part of the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012, the European Commission launches the European Year Awards 2012 to recognize the work of organizations and people promoting active ageing through their activities. We provide this information in case you are interested or you know entities interested in participating.

The University Jaume I of Castellón presents the book "Learning and Network Access: technology for seniors".

Presentación Libro UJI

The book of the Second Conferences on Seniors and New Technologies held at the University Jaume I in 2010 has been presented at Llotja del Cànem with the title "Learning and Network Access: Technology for Seniors".

The event has been run by the Conference director and Academic Director of the University Jaume I, the professor Salvador Cabedo and the book editors, Roger Esteller and Raúl Marín, managers of the organized and scientific committee respectively. 

This book presents the minutes of the lectures of the Second Conferences, a total of 23 articles that deal with new technologies from different areas: pedagogy and learning through the network, use and access to tools, social aspects and realities, health, and the vision of students as well. 

Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez awarded with the SENDA Prize to the university world at the third celebration of those awards

Premio Senda Mundo Universitario Adoración Holgado

Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez, precursor of Interuniversity Programme of Experience at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, and Secretariat of AEPUM, since its founding in 2004 until June 2010, was awarded last June 14th, with the Senda Prize to the university world. This prize is a recognition of her teaching career and her personal commitment to the task of foundation, development and consolidation of University Programmes for Older People in the AEPUM field. 

Speech by the General Director of IMSERSO at SENDA Editorial Board

Last May 9th took place in Madrid, within the periodic celebration of SENDA Editorial Board meetings, the intervention as an especial guest of the General Director of IMSERSO, Mr. César Antón, who dealt with the main initiatives that IMSERSO has programmed for the elderly. 

Third Regional Intergovernmental Conference on Ageing in Latin America and the Caribbean: Findings

In the context of monitoring the compliance of the International Action Plan of Madrid and the Brasilia Declaration on Ageing, representatives of social and senior organizations, networks, NGOs, religious and academical institutions of civil society of Latin America and the Caribbean, met in the town of Tres Ríos, in the canton La Unión, Costa Rica, and, after the analysis and discussion about the current situation of the elder population of the region and the great challenge that ageing supposes, they wrote the Tres Ríos Declaration. 

Miguel Hernández Awards- 2011 Edition

Premios Miguel Hernández

Miguel Hernández Awards, given by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, recognizes experiences and best practices on a lifelong learning and adult education context. 

In the 2011 edition, the work realized by the European Workshops of the Senior University of Coruña from year 2003 to present in a continuous way has been recognized with an Honorable Mention.

This mention was given last Wednesday, May 9th, 2012, collected by Mrs. Pilar Garcia de la Torre, Director of our Programme and coordinator of European programmes in our Senior University of Coruña.

Peritia et Doctrina Programme students of the Senior University of Las Palmas participate in the Vice-chancellor election

Votantes Peritia et Doctrina

Within the progress in the recognition and institutionalization process of University Programmes for Older Adults, the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria has taken a decisive step by recognizing students from the "Peritia et Doctrina" Senior Programme as full-fledged students, having the right to participate in the Vice-chancellor election of the aforesaid University. 

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