
Valencian Public Universities coordinate joint actions for the University Programmes for Older Adults they develop

Universidad de Valencia

Last Tuesday, on February 2011, the Valencian Public Universities gathered to "combine efforts, optimize resources and management, as well as to work in joint committees to address the challenges of adult learning in the XXI century". This meeting was held under the aegis of the University of Valencia, being the hostess of the event Cristina Civera Molla, director of the University Extension Service and responsible of LA NAU GRAN, University Programme for Older Adults in the same university. 

La Nau Gran (UV) joins AEPUM

Logo La Nau Gran

La Nau Gran, the university programme for people over 55 of the University of Valencia, has recently joined AEPUM. Cristina Civera, as director of the university extension of the UV and responsible for the programme, claims that “being in the association enables us to join efforts for improvement and updating of this necessary initiative that has been very well received by society.”

Registration and grant period open in the Fourth Iberoamerican Congress

IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Universidades para Mayores

The period for grants and registration in the Fourth Iberoamerican Congress of Universities for Older Adults- CIUUMM 2011 "Lifelong learning, active ageing and international cooperation in the University Programmes for Older Adults" is open. 

More information

Discussion on University Programmes for Older Adults in La 2 Channel of RTVE (Spanish Radio and Television Corporation)

Last 14th January 2011, the Spanish television programme "Para todos la 2" offered an interesting discussion on University Programmes for Older Adults. The guest speakers were Concha Bru, President of AEPUM; Felipe Martín, President of CAUMAS and Xavier Lorente, director of the University Programme for Older Adults of the Pere Tarrés Faculty at the Ramón Llull University of Barcelona.  

New AEPUM Board

The renewal of some of the Board members and its constitution took place after the 9th AEPUM Assembly on May 27 2010 (in which the new president of AEPUM was elected).

Thus, the AEPUM Board is now comprised of the following members:

Position Name University E-mail
President Concepción Bru Ronda University of Alicante
Secretary Camen Palmero Cámara University of Burgos
Treasurer Xavier Lorente Guerrero Ramón Llull University
Member Pilar García de la Torre University of A Coruña
Member Salvador Cabedo Manuel Jaume I University
Member Josep Torrellas Vendrell University of Girona
Member Concepción Argente del Castillo University of Granada
Member Neus Vila Rubio University of Lleida
Member Marcos Roca Sierra Complutense University of Madrid

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