La Nau Gran (UV) joins AEPUM
La Nau Gran, the university programme for people over 55 of the University of Valencia, has recently joined AEPUM. Cristina Civera, as director of the university extension of the UV and responsible for the programme, claims that “being in the association enables us to join efforts for improvement and updating of this necessary initiative that has been very well received by society.”
“Furthermore, getting to know the initiatives of other universities opens up to us new creative possibilities to adjust La Nau Gran to the new methodologies resulting from the implementation of the Bologna System.”
This programme started to work in 1999 with 70 people that got enrolled and has currently grown up to nearly 1,600 students that are spread between the seven training programmes, which are made up of three courses. These are Art History, Geography and History, Psychology, Humanities, Health Sciences, Basic Sciences, and Social, Legal and Economic Sciences. In addition, there is a wide offer of involving cultural extra activities.
La Nau Gran is now under revision, and, in this respect, Civera claims that AEPUM “provides us with coverage and stimulus.”