
Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology presents four action guidelines. AEPUM highlights the Senior Good Treatment Guide

Each and everyone of us wish and have the right to be treated well and, in general, it happens so. However, at certain moments and situations, we are improperly treated. This situation could be lived by older adults, both within the family and at the institutions, and even through the media themselves. 

Findings of the VII AEPUM Meetings and the University and Society Forum

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Findings of the VII Meetings of the Spanish National Association of University Programmes for Older Adults (AEPUM) and the University and Society Forum "Education, Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations" are already available. They took place in the La Laguna University (Tenerife) from March 1st to 2nd 2012. 

Activities and educational programmes for active ageing

Para todos la 2

Talk at the TVE programme "Para todos la 2" between Josep Ollé, Director of Social Action Area of the La Caixa Foudation; Mª Luisa Mataix, President of the Students Alumni Association of the Permanent University of the University of Alicante; Rocío Fernández-Ballesteros, Professor Emeritus on Psicology of the Autonomous University of Madrid; and Antoni Salvà, Director of the Institut de l'Envelliment of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Access to the programme video

Style guide for journalists "Look at seniors"

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The European Anti-Poverty Network Spain (EAPN-ES) and EAPN Madrid have presented on the occasion of the beginning of the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, the Style Guide for Journalists "Look at seniors". 

Carlos Susías, president of the EAPN-ES has emphasise the media's fundamental responsibility to overcome stereotypes affecting seniors: "many times media conceive seniors as passive and dependants individuals, when they actually are active people in society, as reality shows".

Active ageing and solidarity between generations report. European Union's statistical portrait 2012


On the occasion of the European Year for Active Ageing, European Comission Eurostat publishes the document Active ageing and solidarity between generations. European Union's statistical portrait 2012. This publication shows the general scene in Europe and the statistical records related with active ageing and solidarity between generations, including: demography, healthcare, pensions, volunteering and adult learning. 

New IMSERSO website about the coordination of the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations

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IMSERSO has created, as National Coordinator in Spain, on the occasion of the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, a website to broadcast the activities developed in the programme. 

Action Plan for Lifelong Learning, reported at the Council of Ministers in November 18th, 2011

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The Council of Ministers of November 18th 2011 has received a report from the Ministry of Education about Lifelong Learning in Spain - New opportunities to learn. 

This formal presentation is the result of the drafting works of the Action Plan in which Administrations, Social Agents and Civil Society Entities linked to lifelong learning have participated. 

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