
Announcement for the “Miguel Hernández” Awards 2012

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport announced the “Miguel Hernández” Awards 2012 aimed at recognizing and spreading the work of those public and private institutions with no profit motives and those public centers for the education of adults in all the country, that have effectively participated in adults’ teaching of basic literacy or favored the access of the social underprivileged groups to education and developed formative actions to improve the educational level of adults to facilitate personal and professional development in today’s society of knowledge or helped the active ageing, by means of education, giving older adults the opportunity of learning new things and contributing to intergenerational solidarity.

To mark the International Day of Older Persons: 3rd Edition of Healthy Itinerary, organized by the University of Valencia.

Logo La Nau Gran

The program of La NAU GRAN, of the University of Valencia, invites us to participate in the 3rd edition of HEALTHY ITINERARY that will be carried out on the 30th of September to mark the International Day of Older Persons.

This year the OLDER PERSONS ARE SOLIDARY of the NAU GRAN will cooperate with the CASA DE LA CARIDAD (Charity Home) of Valencia.

The University Extension Service of the University of Valencia organizes the III Healthy Walk NAU GRAN for the next 30th of September, to mark the celebration of the International Day of Older Persons.

Academic year 2012-2013 enrollment in University Programmes for Older Adults

In September a new University academic year begins. In most of them you will find a specific offer for students over 50 years. If you want to obtain detailed information about University Programmes for Older Adults in Spain visit the AEPUM web. 

Cartoon Contest "A lot to give, a lot to share"

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The year 2012 has been declared by the EU Council and Parliament the "European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations" (EY 2012).

The IMSERSO (Institute for Older Persons and Social Services), to celebrate EY 2012 and following its objective of social awareness, convened a cartoon contest with the aim of promoting the importance of seniors' participation in society and the richness of their contribution.

First International Symposium about “Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations”

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The First International Symposium about “Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations”  will be held on next November 22nd and 23rd to commemorate the European Year for Active Ageing. The UNED (National University of Distance Education) organizes this symposium. 

More information

Summer Courses

We inform you about the upcoming summer courses with an open registration period. They may interest you, as well as the teachers and students of your programmes.

Fifteenth National Congress and Fifth Iberoamerican Congress of Pedagogy. “Between generations: education, heritage and promise”

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The Spanish Society of Pedagogy (SEP for its Spanish initials) in cooperation with the University of Burgos, convenes the Fifteenth National Congress and Fifth Iberoamerican Congress of Pedagogy. The congress title is: "Between generations: education, heritage and promise". This congress will take place from July 4th to 7th 2012 in Burgos.

Among the various sections and activities, a symposia to "Seniors at the University" will be held on July 5th. 

For further information visit:

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