Announcement for the “Miguel Hernández” Awards 2012

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport announced the “Miguel Hernández” Awards 2012 aimed at recognizing and spreading the work of those public and private institutions with no profit motives and those public centers for the education of adults in all the country, that have effectively participated in adults’ teaching of basic literacy or favored the access of the social underprivileged groups to education and developed formative actions to improve the educational level of adults to facilitate personal and professional development in today’s society of knowledge or helped the active ageing, by means of education, giving older adults the opportunity of learning new things and contributing to intergenerational solidarity.
Decision of the 31st of August 2012, from the State Department of Education, Professional Training and Universities, that announces the “Miguel Hernández” Awards, edition 2012.
Published in: BOE 18th September 2012.
Period to present applications: From the 19th of September to the 18th of October 2012.