The VI Ibero-American Congress of University Programmes for Older Adults (CIPUAM) has as reference a framework for national and international cooperation among researchers’ groups and universities with university programmes for older adults (Open University for Old Age)
The AEPUM takes part in this Congress as the organisation’s advisor entity, and it will provide as well an intervention related to the situation of the University Programmes for Older Adults in Spain. Likewise, it will participate in the RIPUAM assembly (International Net of University Programmes for Older Adults). Dr. Mª Pilar García de La Torre, appointed member of the AEPUM management board and representative of the University of A Coruña, will be in charge of developing these assignments in the VI Ibero-American Congress of University Programmes for Older Adults (CIPUAM).
The Congress takes place from the 14th to the 17th July 2015.
Place of development: Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa