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Spanish National Association of University Programmes for Older Adults 

More than 200 professionals and representatives for older adults attended the delivery of the 2nd Edition of SENDA Awards

SENDA Group held the event of delivery of awards of the 2nd Edition of its Awards in Hotel Intercontinental in Madrid. More than 200 professionals and businessmen of the field, as well as representatives of the Public Administration, associations and universities for older adults attended the meeting. The event, presented by the journalist and writer Teresa Viejo, was chaired by general secretary of Social Policy and Policy on Consumption, Isabel Martínez, who thanked SENDA Group its commitment with the improvement of the quality of life of older adults and congratulated the people and institutions awarded in this edition.

Universitat per a Majors (University for Adults), of Jaume I University in Castellón, opens its academic year.

The opening of the Academic Year, for the Senior Citizens University Program “UNIVERSITAT PER A MAJORS”, is taking place tomorrow, 26th September, at the Auditorium of Jaume I University in Castellón.

At the mentioned event, which is going to be chaired by the Director of Jaume I University, Mr. Vicent Climent Jordá, Lecturer Juan Carlos Palmer Silveira is giving the opening lecture “Text genre”.

URGENT: Extension of the deadline of summaries

On behalf of the Spanish National Association of University Programmes for Older Adults  (AEPUM) and the University of Valencia as organizing committee, we announce you that we have extended the deadline to send the summaries of communications and posters to XIII National Older Adult University Programmes Meeting (2013 AEPUM), which is taking place in Valencia from 19th to 21st June 2013.

The new deadline of delivery is 12nd March 2013.

The project of the “University Program of Open Classroom for Older Adults” wins the 2nd "Miguel Hernández" Award, edition 2012

On Tuesday 11th of December 2012, the Decision of the 3rd of December 2012 of the Professional Training General Office, that grants the «Miguel Hernández» Awards, edition 2012, was published in the BOE. The University Program for Older Adults of the University of Pablo Olavide of Sevilla “University Program of Open Classroom for Older Adults” is among the prizewinners.

2013 AEPUM XIII National Older Adult University Programmes Meeting

Logo Encuentro AEPUM 2013

The XIII National Older Adult University Programmes Meeting will be held in Valencia between June 19th and 21st 2013, under the title of “New times, new challenges for Older Adult University Programmes”.

This meeting was presented in Madrid on November 22nd 2012, during the annual Assembly of the National Older Adult University Programmes Association (AEPUM, for its initials in Spanish). The XIII Meeting will be hosted by the Universitat de València which, together with AEPUM, as the institutions in charge of organising the Meeting, invite teachers, researchers, experts, institutional and teaching authorities to take part in it, to contribute with their works about the educational and social policies that affect seniors’ training, as well as to present analyses and research studies in the knowledge fields and areas of Education Sciences, Gerontology, Ageing Sociology and other disciplines belonging to the framework of Social Sciences, Humanities, Health and New Technologies that can provide new original results and proposals relevant to the Meeting themes.

Closing Conference of the “European Year for Active Ageing and intergenerational solidarity”. Zaragoza 21st November 2012

Mini logo Año Europeo del Envejecimiento Activo
The IMSERSO organizes on the 21st of November the Closing Conference to show all the activity carried out in Spain on the “European Year for Active Ageing and intergenerational solidarity 2012”. This 2012 has been good to promote communication and develop synergies between the social interlocutors and the public and private institutions relevant in ageing and relationships between generations’ matters.

Announcement for the “Miguel Hernández” Awards 2012

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport announced the “Miguel Hernández” Awards 2012 aimed at recognizing and spreading the work of those public and private institutions with no profit motives and those public centers for the education of adults in all the country, that have effectively participated in adults’ teaching of basic literacy or favored the access of the social underprivileged groups to education and developed formative actions to improve the educational level of adults to facilitate personal and professional development in today’s society of knowledge or helped the active ageing, by means of education, giving older adults the opportunity of learning new things and contributing to intergenerational solidarity.

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