2013 AEPUM XIII National Older Adult University Programmes Meeting


The XIII National Older Adult University Programmes Meeting will be held in Valencia between June 19th and 21st 2013, under the title of “New times, new challenges for Older Adult University Programmes”.

This meeting was presented in Madrid on November 22nd 2012, during the annual Assembly of the National Older Adult University Programmes Association (AEPUM, for its initials in Spanish). The XIII Meeting will be hosted by the Universitat de València which, together with AEPUM, as the institutions in charge of organising the Meeting, invite teachers, researchers, experts, institutional and teaching authorities to take part in it, to contribute with their works about the educational and social policies that affect seniors’ training, as well as to present analyses and research studies in the knowledge fields and areas of Education Sciences, Gerontology, Ageing Sociology and other disciplines belonging to the framework of Social Sciences, Humanities, Health and New Technologies that can provide new original results and proposals relevant to the Meeting themes.

These are the selected Theme Lines (TL) around which the XIII Meeting will be structured:

  • TL1: Integration of Older Adult University Programmes (OAUPs) into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and Lifelong Learning (LLL)
  • TL2: Teaching, organisation and recognition of Older Adult University Programmes (OAUPs)
  • TL3: Impact of Older Adult University Programmes (OAUPs) on University and Society

The registration period to attend and participate in the Meeting, as well as the inscription options can be found on the Meeting website: http://aepum13.uv.es

For any further supplementary information please contact us at this electronic mail address: aepum13@uv.es

XIII Meeting OAUPs_Valencia_Spain. First Circular

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