
Título Fecha Convocatoria Coordinador Español
Influence of physical activity and balanced diet in preventing cognitive aging 2005 IMSERSO UNED
Evaluation of the University Programs for Older Adults: motivations, difficulties and contributions to life quality 2005 IMSERSO Universidad de Barcelona
Longitudinal study on active aging 2005 IMSERSO Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
University Education of Older Adults in Castilla y León: SWOT Analysis and Innovative Approaches to manage its Quality. 2005 Junta Castilla y León Universidad de Burgos
Level of Activity at old age: relationship between cognitive plasticity and cognitive maintenance 2005 IMSERSO Universidad de Granada
Intergenerational Program for Community development. Active Ageing 2005 IMSERSO Universidad de Granada
Analysis and evaluation of the programs to promote mutual intergenerational help. Transferability to Europe. 2005 IMSERSO Universidad de Alicante
3rd Meeting of the State Association of the University Programs for Older Adults - Coreses (Zamora) 2004
II Meeting of the Spanish National Association of University Programmes for Older Adults – Madrid 2004
I Meeting of the State Association of University Programs for Older Adults - Madrid 2004
Meeting of the AEPUM Board of Directors - Madrid 2004
Board of Directors' Meeting - Alicante 2004
The expasion of the university programs for older adults as a social phenomenon 2004 BANCAJA Universitat Jaume I
The expasion of the university programs for older adults as a social phenomenon 2004 BANCAJA Universitat Jaume I
The expasion of the university programs for older adults as a social phenomenon 2004 BANCAJA Universitat Jaume I
8th STATE CONFERENCE OF THE UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS FOR OLDER ADULTS. Older adults and the university: a bet for lifelong learning 2004
Board of Directors' Meeting - Santiago de Compostela 2003
European Senior Citizens’ Storyboard 2003 Lifelong Learning - Grundtvig - Asociaciones de Aprendizaje Universidad A Coruña
EuCoNet 2003 Sócrates - Grundtvig 2 - Asociaciones de Aprendizaje Universidad de Alicante