
Título Fecha Convocatoria Coordinador Español
Little old people: Encounters between older adults and scientific research. New strategies for social participation. 2006 IMSERSO Universidad de Barcelona
Description, analysis and evaluation of the intergenerational programas in Spain. Models and good practice. 2006 IMSERSO Universidad de Granada
Preparation of a guide of good practice for a healthy and productive aging. 2006 IMSERSO Universidad de Granada
Longitudinal monitoring of the evaluation of the university programs for older adults 2006 IMSERSO Universidad de Barcelona
Psycho-social variables that affect the life quality of the students of the university programs for older adults in Andalucía. 2006 IMSERSO Universidad de Sevilla
Strategies to reduce the negative stereotypes about old age. 2006 IMSERSO Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
5th Meeting of the Board of Directors of the AEPUM - Alicante 2005
Technical Seminars: "The challenges that University Programmes for Older Adults face because of the LOU reform" - Alicante 2005
Analysis and Evaluation of University Programs for Older Adults (AEPUMA) 2005 IMSERSO Universidad de Alicante
Analysis and Evaluation of University Programs for Older Adults (AEPUMA) 2005 IMSERSO Universidad de Alicante
Analysis and Evaluation of University Programs for Older Adults (AEPUMA) 2005 IMSERSO Universidad de Alicante
Seniors in Net (Sen-net) 2005 Sócrates - Grundtvig 1 - Proyectos de Cooperación Universidad de Alicante
EuCoNet Club 2005 Universidad de Alicante
Seniors in Net (Sen-net) 2005 Sócrates - Grundtvig 1 - Proyectos de Cooperación Universidad de Alicante
EuCoNet Club 2005 Universidad de Alicante
Seniors in Net (Sen-net) 2005 Sócrates - Grundtvig 1 - Proyectos de Cooperación Universidad de Alicante
EuCoNet Club 2005 Universidad de Alicante
Open Doors for Europe (ODE) 2005 Sócrates - Grundtvig 2 - Asociaciones de Aprendizaje Universidad de Alicante
The boost of the Information and communications technology (ICT) for older adults (older than 50 years) (ICT50+) 2005 Sócrates - Grundtvig 2 - Asociaciones de Aprendizaje Universitat Jaume I
Open Doors for Europe (ODE) 2005 Sócrates - Grundtvig 2 - Asociaciones de Aprendizaje Universidad de Alicante