- Mr José Arnay Puerta, University of La Laguna. President.
- Mrs Francisca Pérez Llamas, University of Murcia. Treasurer
- Mr Joseph Mª Sabaté Bosch, University Rovira y Virgili, Tarragona. Member.
- Mr Joseph Torrellas Vendrell, University of Girona. Member
- Mr Antonio Rodríguez Martínez, University of Santiago. Member
- Mrs Concepción Bru Ronda, University of Alicante. Member
- Mrs Concepción Argente del Castillo Ocaña, University of Granada. Member.
- Mrs Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez, Pontifical University of Salamanca. Secretary.
- Mr Antonio López Ontiveros, University of Córdoba, cannot attend. Member.
5th Meeting of the Board of Directors of the State Association of University Programs for Older Adults held at the University of Alicante, on the 16th of December 2005. The meeting begins at 20.15.
- Reading and passing of the previous meeting's minutes.
The session begins with the passing of the previous meeting's minutes (meeting held on the 16th of April 2005, at the University of Murcia).
- Addition of new members.
Adoración Holgado informs that she has received the documentation from the universities of:
- Extremadura, whose representative in the Association will be Mr Florentino Blázquez Entonado. (The documentation was received in September 2005)
- Ramón Llull. Barcelona, whose representative will be Mr Xavier Lorente Guerrero.(The documentation was received in November 2005)
It is also informed that the University of A Coruña has also requested information to join the Association.
Josep Torrellas requests a confirmation of who can be member of the Association and the Articles of Associations are revised. The Board of Directors approves the addition of two new members.
The Secretary will notify the two universities of the decision, which will be ratified at the next Association's Ordinary Meeting. The Treasury will inform them about the account number where the quota for 2006 must be paid. (The University Ramón Llull has already paid the quota for 2005). A copy of the Articles of Association will also be sent.
The number of members goes up to 29.
- Economic Report
Francisca Pérez Llamas, informs that 22 universities have paid the quota, but there are 23 deposits. Apparently one university (the Autonomous University of Madrid) paid the quota twice. There are six universities that have not made the payment. (She hands over the detailed statement).
It is agreed that the Treasury will:
- Claim the payment of the quota for 2005 to those six universities. It will be notified to the corresponding representatives and rectors of the universities.
- Confirm which University paid the quota twice and inform that University about it.
- Notify the two new members of the quota that must be paid from 2006. (The University Ramón Llull has already paid the quota, which will be considered as the quota for 2006. That University will be informed about it.
- Notify the representatives of the Association of the 150€'s quota for 2006 that each university must deposit during January.
- Two outstanding bills have been paid: The taxes to register the Association and the bill of the Secretary's Office seal. It is agreed to order two more seals and send the bill.
- José Arnay explains his financial situation: his university informed him that it won't pay for his traveling expenses as President of the State Association of University Programs for Older Adults.
It is agreed that:
- As an exception the traveling expenses (the flight) of Arnay will be paid by the Association.
- When a member agrees to be a member of the Board of Directors, representative at the meetings, member of working groups, etc. it means that the corresponding university will pay for the traveling expenses of its representative.
- The Secretary's Office will send a letter in behalf of the Board of Directors to the University of La Laguna informing about this decision.
- Report about the activities and iniciatives carried out by the Board of Directors.
- Interview with the Director General of the IMSERSO
After several requests, on the past 2nd of December Concepción Bru and Adoración Holgado held and interview with the Director General of the IMSERSO, Mr Ángel Rodriguez Castedo, who after greeting them left them with Mr José Mª García Martín, Director General's Deputy.
Concha and Adoración informed him about the development of the relationships between the AEPUM and the IMERSO and the interest of the Association in the promotion of these relationships.
He was given a draft of the agreement containing the different cooperation activities. (The summary of the interview and a copy of the draft of the agreement is enclosed).
- Research Project R&D financed by the IMSERSO
Concha Bru informs that on the last month of July, the AEPUM with the organization of the University of Alicante presented to the IMSERSO the project: “Analysis and evaluation of the university programs for older adults” that was approved with a subvention of 40.000 €. 19 Universities participate in it.
An important part of the project depends on having detailed and reliable information of the University Programs for Older Adults in Spain, that is why a detailed questionnaire has been drafted and sent to all the Universities.
It is agreed again to request that all the members of the Association fill that questionnaire. The Secretary's Office will sent that request and it will enclose the questionnaire so that the universities return it already filled out to the Secretary's Office during the month of January 2005.
- 9th State Meeting of the University Programs for Older Adults
José Arnay informs that he already told Concha Zorita to request the IMSERSO for financial support for the 9th Meeting and he asks for suggestions regarding the information that Concepción Zorita, representative of the University of Almería, sent about the organization of the 9th Meeting (e-mail of the 12-12-05)
- Topic: Older Adults in the University: right, need and satisfaction
- Dates: 18th, 19th and 20th of September 2006 in Roquetas del Mar.
- Number of people attending: 500
- Date of the meeting of the Board of Directors with the University of Almería: January 2006.
After several interventions it is agreed that Arnay will ask Concepción Zorita for information about the content of the 9th Meeting and suggest that the number of people attending could be too much. Regarding the meeting suggested by Almería with the Board of Directors, Adoración Holgado explains that in order to save resources and time, that meeting could be held by phone or e-mail and that those representatives of the Board of Directors who live near Almería could gather. (Murcia and Granada express their willingness). Arnay will also ask if the planned meetings with the Board of Directors will be paid by the University of Almería as part of the Meeting's costs.
- AEPUM's proposals
Given that the State Secretary of the Universities, Mr Salvador Ordóñez, was at the Technical Conferences organized by the University of Alicante, José Arnay requested him to defend a modification in the Articles 34.5 and 42.5 of the LOU, regarding the acknowledge and regulation of the University Programs for Older Adults, and gives him the proposed modification in writting.
The State Secretary informs that he will defend the proposal and suggests for the AEPUM to prepare a draft of the Decree for the development of that section of the LOU, if approved.
Other iniciatives that the Board of Directors will deal with to inform and request for the acknowledgment and regulation of these Programs in the reform of the LOU:
- Interview with representatives of the CRUE in order to request the institutional support of the universities
- Interview with representatives of Education in the Congress and the Senate.
- Interviews with the representatives of Education in the different political parties.
- Request for support to the State Council of Older Adults, the National Confederation of Associations of the University Programs for Older Adults' Alumni and Students, Regional Federations and Provincial Associations of Students and Alumni of our University Programs for Older Adults.
The meeting is adjourned at 21.45. Josep M. Torrellas points out that these meetings should last a little bit longer.