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Friday May 18, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Saturday May 19, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Sunday May 20, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Monday May 21, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Tuesday May 22, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Wednesday May 23, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Thursday May 24, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Start: 24/05/2012 19:00

24th of May at 19,00h at the Rafael Altamira's Hall of the University Venue of Alicante en  C/Ramón y Cajal number 4 - 03003 Alicante.


Friday May 25, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Saturday May 26, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Sunday May 27, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Monday May 28, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Tuesday May 29, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Wednesday May 30, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Thursday May 31, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Name of the University Program for Older Adults
Interuniversitary Program of Experience.
University that organizes the University Program<

Name/Title of the iniciative

Physical and mental health
 Dates of beginning and end
From the 9th of January to the 31st

PUM Name

Friday June 01, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Saturday June 02, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Sunday June 03, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Monday June 04, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Tuesday June 05, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Wednesday June 06, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Thursday June 07, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Friday June 08, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Saturday June 09, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Sunday June 10, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Monday June 11, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Tuesday June 12, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Wednesday June 13, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Thursday June 14, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Friday June 15, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Saturday June 16, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Sunday June 17, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

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