Intergenerational Activities
PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.
University on which depends the PUM: Complutense University of Madrid
Name/degree of the intiative(s): Intergenerational Activities
Start date and end date: January - June 2012
Place of development: The University for seniors of the UCM sets in motion during the academic year 2010-2011. This program takes the higher education space as a link to ensure a better contact, exchange and respect between the different generations.
Aims: It is contemplated to carry out education and cultural activities to stimulate new experiences between young and senior students of the university environment.
Description (300 words maximum):
Educational and cultural activities are carried out, such as:
- Personal/coaching development courses.
- Self-help and improvement of the quality of life courses.
- Cooperation activities, volunteering, and integration.
- Visits to museums and landmarks.
- Thematic sessions on communications techniques, oratory and protocol.
- Creativity and humor workshops.
- Computing workshops.
- Conferences and book launches.
- Discussion forum.
- Theater activities.
Expected number of participants/beneficiaries and/or groups to which this initiative is aimed:
- Visits: 10 senior students and 10 young students.
- Conferences: until full capacity is reached.
- Formation courses: 20 senior students and 10 young students.
- Excursions: 10 senior students and 10 young students.
Cooperating entities: Intergenerational Programe of the University for seniors of the UCM and Colegio Mayor Diego de Covarrubias of the UCM.
More information:
Contact information: Coordination Team
Telephones; 91 394 6073/7701