
Listado de actividades englobadas en el Año Europeo del Envejecimiento Activo realizadas por los PUPM.

Título Fecha Universidad
Identification of different patterns of active aging in older adults from rural and urban contexts. 01/01/2008 Universitat de Girona
Active Participation on Information Society. Digital Gap and Quality of Life of Older Adults. 01/01/2008 Universidad de Valencia
E-Vita, European Life Experiencies 01/01/2008 Universitat Jaume I
The older adults of the 21st century: challenges of the society of information 15/12/2007 Universitat Jaume I
The older adults of the 21st century: challenges of the society of information 15/12/2007 Universitat Jaume I
The older adults of the 21st century: challenges of the society of information 15/12/2007 Universitat Jaume I
Empowering Health Learning for the Elderly (EHLE) 01/12/2007 Universidad de Alicante
Empowering Health Learning for the Elderly (EHLE) 01/12/2007 Universidad de Alicante
Empowering Health Learning for the Elderly (EHLE) 01/12/2007 Universidad de Alicante
2nd Working Seminary: Possible Answers from the University to the Problem of Dependence - Granada 29/11/2007
VI Meeting of the National Association of the University Programmes for Older Adults - Granada 29/11/2007
Conversation at the Venue 01/10/2007 Universidad de Alicante
Conversation at the Venue 01/10/2007 Universidad de Alicante
Conversation at the Venue 01/10/2007 Universidad de Alicante
Scientific Meeting: Lifelong Learning in the European Strategy - Madrid 24/05/2007
International Conference on Learning in Later Life - Glasgow 09/05/2007
VIII Meeting of the Board of Directors - Santiago de Compostela 17/03/2007
Students-Retirees Intergenerational Learning Circles 01/01/2007 Universidad A Coruña
Dependence and Family Project: A socioeconomic perspective 01/01/2007 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Biological Aging and Determining Factors in People with Intellectual Disability 01/01/2007 Universidad de Salamanca