VI Meeting of the National Association of the University Programmes for Older Adults - Granada



1. Reading and approval, if applicable, of the previous session Act.

2. Reports about:

A. The President.

B. Treasury.

C.   Working Groups Managers.

3. Ratification and Admission of new partners.

4. Approval of complementary rules of the Statutes regarding election systems.

5. Seminar Proposals for the year 2007 and for the X Meeting in 2008.

6. Motions and queries.


Attendance list

Alicante, Mrs Concepción Bru Ronda

Burgos, Mrs  Carmen Palmero Cámara

Complutense of Madrid, Mr Marcos Roca Sierra

Córdoba, Mr Blas Sánchez Dueñas

Extremadura, Mr Florentino Blázquez Entonado

Girona, Mr Josep  Torrellas Vendrell

Granada, Mrs Concepción Argente del Castillo Ocaña

La Laguna, Mr José Arnay Puerta

La Rioja, Mrs Mª Cruz  Navarro Pérez

Pontifical of Comilla, Madrid, Mrs Isabel Romero Tabares

Pontifical of Salamanca, Mrs Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez

Ramón Llull, Barcelona, Mr Xavier Lorente Guerrero

Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona), Mr Josep M. Sabaté  Bosch

Salamanca, Mrs Dolores Pérez Grande

Santiago, Mr Antonio Rodríguez Martínez

Valladolid, Mrs Mª del Carmen del Valle López

Members that excused their absence

Autonomic of Madrid, Mrs Rocío Fernández Ballesteros

Carlos III, Mrs Mª Luz Neira

Catholic of Ávila, Mr Andrés Delgado Gil

European Miguel de Cervantes (Valladolid), Mr Francisco José García Gómez

Jaume I. Castellón, Mr Salvador Cabedo Manuel

León, Mr Prisciliano Cordero del Castillo

Lleida, Mrs Neus Vila Rubio

Other Universities participating

Oviedo, Mr Fernando Albuerne López

Zaragoza, Mr Agustín Ubieto

Authorities and Specialists invited

Burgos, Mr Alfredo Jiménez Eguizábal

Complutense of Madrid, Mr Juan Antonio Lorenzo Vicente

Pontifical of Salamanca, Mrs M. Teresa Ramos Bernal

Santiago de Compostela, Mr José Mª Mayán Santos



Celebrated at the Euroarab Fundation. University of Granada, the 29th November 2007, at 19.45 hours.

The session is presided by Mr Josep Mª Sabaté i Bosch, the vocal of more advanced age, due to Mr President’s, Antonio Rodríguez Martínez, indisposition.

1.1. Reading and approval of the previous session Act.

The session starts with the unanimously approval of the previous session Act corresponding to the day 19th September 2006, celebrated in Roquetas de Mar, Almería, which had been sent to all the members.

2.2. Reports about:

A – The AEPUM President

Josep Mª Sabaté i Bosch reports that the Management Board has implemented several contacts and interviews orientated towards the Modification of the LOU and the Projection of the AEPUM, and he gives the floor to Mrs Adoración Holgado Sánchez, AEPUM Secretary, to inform briefly.

Different contacts have been held with:

*  15th January 2007: Mr José Mª García Martín, Assistant to the General Director of the IMSERSO (Annex #1)

Attending: Concha Bru- U. Alicante and Mª Adoración Holgado- U. Pontificia SA. In the interview, she was presented different proposals of collaboration:

-  Conference of the SEPUMA Project presentation        

-   Publication of the Project results 

-   Training of Professionals for the Dependence Law

-   Relationships with Ibero-America

-   Older adults’ Mobility. Exchange of students between Universities.

* 29th January 2007: Interview in Madrid with Carles Bonet, Ezquerra Republicana. (Annex #2)

Attending: Mirta Nuñez Díaz-Balart – U. Complutense, Josep Mª Sabaté- U. Rovira i Vigili. Tarragona and Antonio Rodríguez- U. Santiago.

They showed a great interest in the Programmes and in the possibility of their inclusion in the LOU.  

*7th February 2007: Interview in Madrid, with the Socialist Group representatives of the Senate: Mr Manuel Pezzi-Granada, Mr Antonio García Miralles- Alicante and Mr Joan Lerma Blasco- Madrid. (Annex #3)

Attending: Antonio Rodríguez- U. Santiago; Concha Bru – U. Alicante and Mª Adoración Holgado – U. Pontificia SA

The Socialist Group informs us about a proposal presented by the Ministry, consisting in the introduction of an explicit mention of the programmes for older adults at the Preamble, and some mentions in the 42nd article of access to the university. 

* 12th February 2007: Interview in Valladolid with Adolfo Abejón Ortega, Popular group (Annex #4).

Attending: Alfredo Jiménez- U. Burgos and Mª Adoración Holgado- U. Pontificia SA.

The Popular Group representative informed about the amendments that they were going to defend on the topic that we were proposing for the incorporation of the programmes to the LOU, inviting us to attend the day of that defence in the Senate. 

* 23th May 2007: Interview with the General Director of Universities (Annex #5)

Attending: Antonio Rodríguez- U. Santiago; Concha Bru – U. Alicante and Mª Adoración Holgado – U. Pontificia SA and Concepción Argente del Castillo – U. Granada.

The General Director manifested that he knew and valued these Programmes, but he explained the difficulties for which the Ministry, regarding the regulation of these Programmes, will let the Universities in their Statutes make the pertinent decisions, within the frame of the Law and the Autonomic Communities.

B) Treasury

Mª Adoración Holgado reports the delay in the sending of the 2007 fee because, with the change of President and the members of the Management Board, it was required to apply again for the modification of the AEPUM-Statutes corresponding to the change of the Association social headquarters.

The report delivered is presented by the treasurer, Manuel Hernández – U. Murcia. (Annex #6).

He carries out a brief summary thereof: There are six universities with outstanding payment of the 2006 fee, and all the 2007 fees. He finishes by suggesting that it is necessary to think about how to make use of the money available.

C) Other tasks accomplished by the Members of the Management Board

* 17th March 2007: Management Board Meeting

With all the members of the AEPUM Management Board invited by the University of Santiago, a meeting was celebrated to establish criteria, tasks and proceedings from the AEPUM and possible development actions of the Protocol with the IMSERSO.

- Exchange of students: Séneca Senior

* Design of an academic proposal between universities: Adoración Holgado

* Development of a Programme Syllabus condensated in days and schedule: Concha Bru

* Development of an online topic in more than one university: Concha Argente and Blas Sánchez.

- Summer Courses in two universities: Antonio Rodríguez.

-  Networks with Ibero-America

* Adoración Holgado: Brazil, related to research               

* Concha Argente: Studies about emmigration with Argentina

* Concha Bru: technical assessment of Latin America

- Celebration of the AEPUMA Conference in Madrid

- Celebration Conferences National Confederation of Students Associations in the Pontifical University of Salamanca.

- Celebration II Seminar of Work in Granada.

- Preparation X National Meeting

* 21st y 22nd May 2007: VI Conferences of Associationism in the University Programmes for Older Adults. The Programme is enclosed (Annex #7)

Arranged by the Pontifical University of Salamanca in collaboration with the Castil-Leon Council and the National Confederation of Students Associations. The topic treated was “Past, Present and Future of the Associations”.

Antonio Rodríguez,   Josep Mª Sabaté y Bosch and Mª Adoración Holgado participated on behalf of the AEPUM.

106 People registered, of which 26 were representatives of associations from 20 Spanish universities. The summary and conclusions of the Conferences are attached (Annex #8). 

* 24th May  2007: AEPUMA Conference: Analysis and evaluation of university teaching for older adults. The Programme is attached (Annex #9)

Arranged by the University of Alicante, Coordinator of the AEPUMA Project,   in collaboration with the IMSERSO.

Celebrated at the IMSERSO Central, Avda. de la Ilustración. Madrid.

Concha Bru takes the floor and briefly sums up the Conference.

* Publication of the AEPUMA Project results

Concha Bru reports that they are composing the chapters for the publication of the AEPUMA Project results. 

* 10th June 2007: New application of the AEPUM Project to the IMSERSO:

Concha Bru informs from the University of Alicante, as a coordinator, that an AEPUM Project has been again requested with the aim of Improving and optimizing the AEPUMA Intranet for its adaptation and exploitation as a PUPMs public management and research tool.

She communicates that 169 projects have been presented, and the IMSERSO has conferred one with a score of 80 points. The one presented by the AEPUM had 65.

The project has been denied, because it did not reflect a direct repercussion on the older population.

Concha Bru expresses her disappointment, although she will try to search for funds to develop the Project requested, and she ENCOURAGES all the members of the AEPUM to participate. Some information will be sent from the AEPUM Secretary. 

* 29th June 2007: Informative meeting about Ageing and preparation of the Scientist Forum.

Attending: Mª Adoración Holgado.

Meeting arranged by the IMSERSO to discuss questions related to active ageing and the preparation of the Scientist Forum in Leon. The AEPUM invitation letter, the meeting participants and a summary are attached (Annex #10)


* 5th and 6th November 2007: Forum of Civil Society about Ageing

Arranged by the IMSERSO, celebrated in the National Parador in Leon.

Attending and taking part in: Concha Bru –U. Alicante and Mª Adoración Holgado- U. Pontificia de Salamanca.

Also attending Prisciliano Cordero – U. León and Xavier Lorente – U. Ramón Llull-Barcelona.

The Programme is attached (Annex #11)

* Proposals for Student Exchanges activities

Mª Adoración Holgado reports that from the Inter-university Programme of the Castile and Leon Experience, they are going to develop exchange projects among students from regional as well as national and international Universities subsidized by the Council of Castile-Leon, and they are waiting to examine the results to propose this kind of activity from the AEPUM – IMERSO.

The information will be sent from the AEPUM Secretary.

Josep Sabaté informs that the University of Santiago is also designing Summer courses addressed to the students of the Older Adults Programmes, and more specific information will be provided from the AEPUM Secretary.

* Networks with Ibero-America

Concha Bru reports that in September, the II Ibero-American Congress of University Programmes was celebrated, and no representative from the AEPUM attended, although she sent an abstract about the AEPUMA Project.

Carmen del Valle- U. of Valladolid, indicates that she attended the Paraná Congress, and she informs that there was a proper level of participation and presentation of communications, that the next Congress will take place in 2009 in Costa Rica, and that there were 2 interventions by Spanish speakers that spoke on the behalf of the University Programmes of programmes for Older Adults, stating that they did NOT adjust to the reality of these Programmes, and so they asserted it.

Concha Bru informs in addition that there is an Ibero-American network of Older Adults- La Finte, and she indicates that she has contacted the University of Valparaíso- Chile, to establish contacts. Concha Argente- U. of Granada, indicates that the University of Granada has also established contact with the University of Buenos Aires and Blas Sánchez- U. de Córdoba. Besides, she points out that from the University of Córdoba some arrangements have been made with the University of Valparaíso itself.

Concha Bru – U. Alicante proposes to elaborate a paper addressed to the IMSERSO to try to build a collaboration project to promote the networks with Ibero-America.               

3. Ratification and admission of new partners

Mª Adoración Holgado informs that the University Ramón Llull has delivered the Programme for Older Adults, which is developed in that university, and she reports that there are two universities that have applied for their integration in the Association: the University of La Rioja in January 2007 and the University of Vigo in May 2007.

The University Ramón LLul, which requested formally its incorporation in the previous Meeting, has been accepted after handing all the documentation required.

The two new universities, La Rioja and Vigo, have presented all the necessary documentation, and consequently, they have been unanimously admitted in the Association.

4. Presentation of the draft of the Internal Regime Regulation and approval of some basic rules for the functioning of the Association.

Mª Adoración Holgado reminds us that it has been previously sent via e-mail to all the partners of the draft of the Internal Regime Regulation, which has been elaborated by Juan Antonio Lorenzo Vicente, at the request of the Management Board. The draft of the regulation is attached.(Annex #12)

The idea is to approve it in the next Meeting, which will coincide with the development of the X Meeting, so the confirmation and suggestions regarding the draft are requested, until the 15th January 2008.

The confirmation and suggestions will have to be sent to the AEPUM Secretary (

At the request of the President, it is applied for the approval of some basic rules for the functioning of the Association.

The following rules are approved:

The participation of the partner representatives from the universities at the Association Meetings will require their previous accreditation of their condition as such before the AEPUM Secretary, through the opportune appointment. In case of the attendance of a representative from a university that has not been appointed to take part in the activities of the Association as such, it will need to reckon with an explicit appointment from the university competent body, and to authenticate that he/she is replacing the titular. Otherwise, he/she will not be able to exercise the right to vote attributed to partners. Votes cannot be delegated, and, unless it is planned the supposed procedure to voting via e-mail, voting will not be allowed when making decisions if the representative is not present and properly accredited in the Meeting. Voting on the behalf of other partner or by delegation will not be allowed either.

- The President will have the attributions acknowledged in the 22nd article of the AEPUM Statutes, as well as the ones inherent to his condition. In case of illness, absence or other legal cause, he will be replaced provisionally by the vocal of the Board appointed by him, and in case of not having appointed anybody, the procedure established in the following section will be implemented:

-  Continuation of the previous paragraph: In case of cessation or resignation in the representation that he holds of his university in the AEPUM, the Presidency of the AEPUM will be considered as vacant. Temporally, the most senior vocal among the elected will take charge for the Presidency; in case of tie in seniority, the most voted; and if the tie persisted, the most senior vocal. They will remain provisionally in their charges the Secretary and the Treasurer, proceeding within a period no greater than three months to the convening of elections for the charge of President, through the corresponding meeting of the General Assembly.

- In the event that a vacancy of Vocal appears out the elections period, the next applicant in the list of candidates with a larger amount of votes will be appointed as such to occupy that vacancy until its renovation in the period for the elected of that mandate, if any. Otherwise, the Management Board will function with two elected vocals until the next renovation.

- In case of the resignation of some of the elected charges, included the Association President, or of cessation in the representation that he/she was commended by the University, the charge will be retired from that position to the one that was chosen by the AEPUM, since it has taken place as the university representative, the Association being constituted by public and private universities, or entities with legal characters, according to the article 1 of the Statutes.

In such a situation, the charge will be considered vacant from the same moment in which a resignation or cessation has taken place in the representation of the respective university, proceeding in this case to implement the procedures foreseen in this Regulation for its substitution.

5. Information about the 2008 X National Meeting

About this point, the representatives of the University of Burgos are invited to inform: Alfredo Jiménez Eguizábal, Mr Vicerrector- UBU  and Carmen Palmero, representative of the University of Burgos in the AEPUM.

Alfredo Jiménez  informs about the meetings held with the AEPUM:

                - On 17th March with the Management Board in Santiago

                - On 6th November in  Burgos with the AEPUM  President, Antonio Rodríguez, with the AEPUM Secretary, Mª Adoración Holgado, and with a representative of the Council of Castile-Leon, Miguel Ángel de la Fuente.

From this meeting the draft of the X Meeting emerged, presenting: (Annex #13):

                . Title of the X Meeting: University training of older adults and promotion of personal autonomy. Socio-educative policies, methodologies and innovations.

                . Place of celebration: University of Burgos

                . Date: 5th, 6th and 7th May 2008

                . Honor Committee: 8 Deputy Vice-chancellors of the universities of Castile-Leon

                . Scientist Committees: AEPUM Management Board and organising Committee of the University of Burgos.

                . Objectives

                . Addressees: as in previous Meetings, with a greater representation of students from the universities of Burgos and Pontifical of Salamanca in the Burgos Venue.

                . Term of presentation of communications

                . Financing:

- Subvention of the Social Services Management of the Council of Castile-Leon, main institution that will finance:

                               - Department of Education

                               - University of Burgos

                               - Registration: between 125 and 150 €

                               - Possibility of collaboration of other institutions

                . Presenting a first draft of the Programme:

They appreciate the attention paid and apply for suggestions and collaboration.

 6. Motions and queries

* It is informed that the University of Murcia is preparing a conference on the occasion of the X anniversary of the creation of the Programme for Older Adults in the mentioned University. The intended date is the day 7th February, in Murcia.

Information will be sent:

* On the behalf of Neus Vila Rubio- U. de Lleida, Mª Adoración Holgado reports that in July 2008 the V International Congress on University Education will be celebrated in Lleida.

For more information:

 The sitting will be closed at 20:15 hours.


Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez                                                                    Antonio Rodríguez Martínez

AEPUM Secretary                                                                                            AEPUM President