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Tuesday March 27, 2012

Name of the University Program for Older Adults: La Nau Gran

University organizing the Program: University of Valencia

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Wednesday March 28, 2012

Name of the University Program for Older Adults: La Nau Gran

University organizing the Program: University of Valencia

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Thursday March 29, 2012

Name of the University Program for Older Adults: La Nau Gran

University organizing the Program: University of Valencia

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Friday March 30, 2012
Start: 10/10/2011
End: 30/03/2012

Name of the University Program for Older Adults: La Nau Gran

University organizing the Program: University of Valencia

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Name of the University Program for Older Adults: Universidad Permanente

University that organizes the Program: University of Alicante

Saturday March 31, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Name of the University Program for Older Adults
Interuniversity Program of the Experience
University that organizes the Program

Name/Title of the iniciative

Sunday April 01, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Monday April 02, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Tuesday April 03, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Wednesday April 04, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Thursday April 05, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Friday April 06, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Saturday April 07, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Sunday April 08, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Monday April 09, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Tuesday April 10, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Wednesday April 11, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Thursday April 12, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Friday April 13, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Saturday April 14, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Sunday April 15, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Monday April 16, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Name of the University Program for Older Adults: Permanent University

University that organizes the Program: University of Alicante

Tuesday April 17, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Wednesday April 18, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Start: 18/04/2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors.

University on which depends the PUM: Universitat Jaume I

Name of the University Program for Older Adults: Permanent University

University that organizes the Program: University of Alicante

Thursday April 19, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

PUPM Name: University for seniors.

University on which depends the PUM: Universitat Jaume I

Friday April 20, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Start: 18/04/2012
End: 20/04/2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors.

University on which depends the PUM: Universitat Jaume I

Saturday April 21, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Sunday April 22, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Monday April 23, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Start: 23/04/2012

Name/Title of the Iniciative: Seminary «The importance of records for studying History: Huelva's File»

Tuesday April 24, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Name/Title of the Iniciative: Seminary «The importance of records for studying History: Huelva's File»

Wednesday April 25, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Name/Title of the Iniciative: Seminary «The importance of records for studying History: Huelva's File»

Name of the University Program for Older Adults: University Graduate in Culture and Solidarity

Thursday April 26, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Start: 23/04/2012
End: 26/04/2012

Name/Title of the Iniciative: Seminary «The importance of records for studying History: Huelva's File»

Name of the University Programs for Older Adults: La Nau Gran

University organizing the University Program: University of Valencia

Start: 26/04/2012

Name of the University Program for Older Adults : La Nau Gran

University organizing the University Program: University of Valencia

Dates of beginning and end: 26-04-2012 to 27-04-2012

Place: University of Valencia


To promote active participation in the university environment, with the experience and personal and associative involvement among both the official degrees’ students and the older adults who continue or resume their education process. We encourage debate, exchange of experiences and social and cultural integration.


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