Evaluation for the Professional Development of Adult Education Staff
Nombre del Proyecto
Evaluation for the Professional Development of Adult Education Staff
01/01/2014 - 31/12/2016
Organización Coordinadora (Institución, País)
- Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Italia)
Organizaciones Participantes (Institución, País)
- Universitat Jaume I (España)
- Rezeknes Augstskola (Letonia)
- Pedagogical University of Warsaw (Polonia)
- Technological Educational Institute Of Crete (Grecia)
- Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro" (Italia)
Nombre de la Convocatoria
- LifeLong Learning Programme Grundtvig Centralizados
The main objective of the project, indeed, is to improve knowledge and awareness in the adult education system, looking at the evaluation as a critical part of the system, in order to: Explore systems and practices of evaluation of the adult education staff, promoting the definition of a European profile of the evaluator profession. Improve adult education systems, thanks to the development and transfer of innovation and good practices, through the exchange and dissemination of experiences and concrete results; Contribute to the development of quality lifelong learning, promote high performance, innovation and create a European dimension within adult education systems and practices.
The project aims at redefining the European level of the expertise of the professional profile of evaluator of adult education staff. For that reason, the primary target group is represented by all the professionals who are involved in the evaluation of adult education staff in different ways and covering different roles. The project intends to involve the target group from beginning to end. For this reason, a crucial role is covered by associated partners, such as adult education providers, adult associations and similar, in order to ensure the direct exploitation of project results. In particular, during the project, representatives of the target groups will be involved in: - The investigation phase, that has been planned to collect the ideas of the practitioners on the project theme and on the evaluation of adult education staff; - The Mobility Workshop which will have an important role to ensure a real impact of the project, as it contemplates the direct participation of practitioners from the target group, with the aim of sharing the experience to build a common know-how; - The development of a pilot training course for the evaluators of adult education staff, which represents the top of the project process; Moreover, the target group will be involved in the structural part of the project too, in particular: - The participants will be part of the staff group of the project, appointed in each partner’s country from the beginning of the project; - Some representatives of the target group will be involved in the dissemination events foreseen by the project, and in particular in the Final Conference. In order to suggest possible Guidelines for the social and educational policies, and to promote the importance of quality for adult education system, the project aims at reaching a secondary target group: the stakeholders of adult education providers and policy makers. They will be reached both in the investigation step of the project, to collect their point of view on the research issues, and in the last stage of the project, through the dissemination events foreseen by the project.
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