Routes Towards Europe

Routes Towards Europe
Beginning: 01/09/2006
Name: Routes Towards Europe
01/09/2006 - 30/07/2009
 Notification for:
UE-LLP-Grundtvig- Associations for Learning
Organizing Institution:
Senior University of A Coruña
Member Institutions:
            Hyvinkää Kansalaisopisto (Finland)
            Kyrönmaan Opisto Laihia (Finland)
            VHS Volkshochschule Weiden / Neustadt E.V. Folkhighschool.  (Germany)
            Technische Universität Chemmitz. Chemmitz University of Technology .             (Germany)
            Department of further education and vocational training (Germany)
            BIFHE. Belfast Institute for further and higher education Belfast (Northern        Ireland - United Kingdom)
            AICCRE Federazione Emilia – Romagna Bologna (Emilia-Romagna - Italy)
            Senior University of A Coruña (Galicia - Spain)
In 2006, a new Association for Learning was created under the name of Routes Towards Europe. It carried out different programs of national scope aimed at senior students and related to the Active Citizenship activities in the European cultural context. Given that the members understood that the growing social groups made up of the European senior citizens can and must have a role, which importance is increasing, in the European society, their implication in local and regional training projects was promoted.
 The study groups that were created in each one of the participating countries held debate sessions about topics that had to do with European identity, starting with the research about historical communication routes that have been giving shape to the idea of a common Europe. These groups also carried out studies of English and training sessions about information and communication technology.
To be able to exchange information, opinions, etc., the participants used the computer tools of the Project's website and the E-learning Platform Moodle. Besides, students and teachers gathered yearly in national and international seminaries or meetings.
E-learning Platform Moodle
Website of the European Workshop “RTE”: