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ACT OF THE XIII ORDINARY MEETING OF THE SPANISH NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY PROGRAMMES FOR OLDER ADULTS, CELEBRATED ON 2nd OF JULY 20 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SPANISH NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY PROGRAMMES FOR OLDER ADULTS MET ON 1st JULY OF 2010 AT 20.00H, IN SECOND On 2nd July, was held the annual Ordinary Assembly annually convened by the Spanish National Association of University Programmes for Older Adults. This Meeting took place at the University Jaume I of Castellón, in the Room of Meetings of the Vice-chancellorship, and was attended by the Vice-chancellor of Institutional Relations of the UJI, who welcomed the participating Universities. The Meeting, in which representatives of 21 universities participated, was developed during the morning where the items on the meeting agenda were dealt. In the afternoon, took place the SEMINAR: OLDER ADULTS AND ICTs IN UNIVERSITY PROGRAMMES FOR OLDER ADULTS During the assembly, the results of the seminar of Older Adults and ICTs in university programmes for older adults were firstly presented in the context of AEPUM, and then, the representatives of the University Programmes for Older–UJI dealt the situation of the education and ICTs where developments and applications used by Older Adults in the Programme were presented. |