XVIII Ordinary Meeting of the Spanish National Association of University Programmes for Older Adults – Castellón
1. Reading and approval, if applicable, of the previous session Act.
2. Reports about the activities carried out since the last Meeting, celebrated in the University of Valencia (UVEG), on 19th of June 2013.
2.1.- Presidency
2.2.- Secretariat
2.3.- Accounting
3. Ratification and Admission of new partners: University of Cantabria
4. Report about Work Commissions: Evaluation, Institutionalisation and Recognition of the University Programmes for Older Adults Commission
5. Proposal of Organisation of the XIV National Meeting in 2015.
6. Renewal of positions according with the established in article 19 and 20 of the Statutes.
- A. Of President.
- B. Of Vocals.
Article 20. The charges of the Management Board members will be non-remunerated, their mandate will have a duration of 4 years, renewing half of it every 2 years, and they will be eligible for re-election 2 consecutive mandates at most (never more than 8 years).The first renovation of half of the members elected will be carried out after two years since the constitution of the Association.
The deadline for candidatures submission is therefore opened: one president and 4 vocals. Those interested should send their candidature document to the AEPUM's Secretariat, with University's explicit backing endorsing it.
7. Management issues.
8. Motions and queries.
Representatives attending
- University of Alicante
- University of A Coruña
- Autonomous University of Barcelona
- University of Burgos
- University of Cantabria
- Carlos III University Madrid
- University of Castilla La Mancha
- Catholic University of Ávila
- University of Deusto
- University of Girona
- University of Huelva
- University of les Illes Balears
- Jaime I University Castellón
- University of Las Palmas of Gran Canarias
- University of Lleida
- University of Murcia
- Polytechnic University of Valencia
- Pontifical University of Salamanca
- University Ramón LLull of Barcelona
- University of Valladolid
- University of Vigo
Members that excused their absence
- Complutense University of Madrid
- University of Granada
- University of La Laguna
- University Nau Gran of Valencia
- University of Salamanca
- University of Santiago
- University of Sevilla
Attending as invited members
1. University of A Coruña, Francisco Anson
2. University of les Illes Balears, Liberto Macías
3. Jaume I University of Castellón, Pili Escuder
4. Pontifical University of Salamanca, Mª Teresa Ramos
5. University of Valladolid, Mª Carmen Serrano
Before starting the Assembly Mr Salvador Cabedo welcomes the Jaume I University and to all the attendants and hands over to Deputy Vice-chancellor of Culture, University Extension and Institutional Relations who after having excused the absence of the Vice-Chancellor, welcomes again the attendants, congratulates the University Programmes for Older Adults for their contribution to the development of the university and the society, manifests the decided commitment made by his university to older adults training, and the satisfaction felt because of the incorporation of the Jaume I University in the Board of Directors of the Spanish National Association of the University Programmes for Older Adults.
The President, Mrs Concepción Bru, took the floor to thank the Jaime I University for being the host of the Assembly and manifests the work carried out by Mr Salvador Cabedo over the years in benefit of the University Programmes for Older Adults.
Then, the Assembly starts presided by the President, who welcomes again all the attendants and gives way to the
1. Reading and approval, if applicable, of the previous session Act.
Agreement: Unanimously approved
2. Reports about the activities carried out since the last Meeting, celebrated in the University of Valencia (UVEG), on 19th of June 2013.
2.1.- Presidency–appearing in the annex-
2.2.- Secretariat–appearing in the annex-
2.3.- Accounting –appearing in the annex-
3. Ratification and Admission of new partners: University of Cantabria
Agreement: To admit the request of the University of Cantabria as partner of AEPUM, after the fulfilment of the appropriate requirements and obligations.
4. Report about Work Commissions:
Commission of Recognition, Institutionalisation Evaluation of the University Programmes for Older Adults
Commission of Research Projects and European Calls.
Statistical Commission and Updating data of the Universities: AEPUMbase
The tasks are reflected in the report submitted by the Presidency and set out in annex at the end of the Act.
5. Proposal of Organisation of the XIV National Meeting in 2015.
* To admit the request of the University of Granada for being the organising host of the XIV National Meeting of the University Programmes for Older Adults from 28th to 30th of May 2015, after having read the document sent by Mrs Concha Argente to the Presidency.
Provisional title of the Meeting: New times. New Older Adults demands. New students' profiles in the programmes.
* To admit the request of the University of Deusto to organise the Technical Conference or the Seminar of Work to be celebrated on 11th and 12th of December 2014, after informing of the request received in the Secretary and let Yolanda Lázaro to explain the reasons. Appearing in the annex.
The partners will be timely informed about both events.
6. Renewal of positions according with the established in article 19 and 20 of the Statutes.
- A. Of President.
- B. Of Vocals.
It was required that representatives wishing to stand for such positions have to send the support of their University to the secretariat, having received the writings of the universities of Alicante, A Coruña, Burgos, and Jaume I for their re-election.
However, the article 31 of the statutes points out that to proceed to the president's election is necessary that the attendance to the General Assembly is validly constituted, at least, the absolute majority of its components.
Once the attendants are recounted, it is reached a number of 21, being 44 the partner universities, to the absolute majority are necessary at least 23 representatives, so the vote doesn't proceed.
It is started a debate about possible solutions according to the regulations and allowing the distance participation of partners.
Agreement: those who had a position must maintain it until the celebration of the next Assembly. In any case it will be studied with the advice of the legal services of the universities that have expressed their willingness to cooperate in this theme, possible formulas favouring an adaptation of regulations that facilitate other forms of participation and voting, as well as the possibility of choosing, in case that there is no sufficient attendance quorum.
7. Management issues.
There is any issue to discuss.
8. Motions and queries.
*Concha Bru: Informs that
- DORO enterprise, for whom AEPUM has carried out a research about ICT's, has been already sent the report. The results were also sent to the participating universities.
- It has been signed a Collaboration Agreement with GAES, enterprise which develops and markets their products, in order to make advantageous offers to the students of the University Programmes for Older Adults who purchase their products or services. Appearing in the annex.
*Miguel Ángel Nombela: reports that the 13th International Conference on partnerships in the University Programmes for Older Adults will be celebrated from 17th to 20th of September 2014 in the University of Vigo, organised by Aulas de Formación Abierta - AFA - and provides information.
Information available on http://www.webs.uvigo.es/xiiijornadassenior/index.php/es/
*Adoración Holgado: Asks to please put on record the members widespread regret at the unfortunate loss of Professor Josep Torrellas, highlighting its extensive and magnificent work in favour of the University Programmes for Older Adults.
*Concha Bru: asks to get the data of the course 2013-2014 updated as soon as possible (at this point and with the course ended there are too much universities without completing their data) and that they must send the information of the extraordinary activities carried-out by each university complementing the ordinary formation in order to be disseminated among the partners and through the AEPUM website.
*Carmen Palmero: asks the representatives of the universities in AEPUM:
- To send to the e-mail cpalmero@ubu.es the contact telephones and the e-mail directions of all the people, who having any connection or responsibility want to be sent the information in relation with AEPUM.
- To inform in the same e-mail when someone leaves office, the name and contact e-mail of the new responsible, and to inform him/her about the obligation of sending his/her appointment and about the rest of commitments undertaken with AEPUM – annual subscription fee, attendance to Assemblies and scientific meetings, to enter annually data in the web about his/her programme for statistics.
- The person substituting the representative in the Assembly must deliver a written from the rector valid only for this day and act,otherwise he/she would have voice but not vote.
*Antonio Martínez Faura (University of Murcia): suggests that whenever there is money in AEPUM's account, it should be used to help more the partners in the different activities organised from the association.
*Mª Adoración Holgado (Upsa), Pilar García (U. A Coruña), Carmen Palmero (UBU) express their concern about the relevance of the students associations as interlocutors of the programmes, at the expense of the universities in institutions of higher education and social issues.
*Luz Neira (University of Carlos III): suggests that the received surveys in the universities could be sent to the Board of Directors in order to filter them and propose the convenience of collaborating or not.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 14.15 hours, which I, as a Secretary, attest with the approval of the President.
Carmen Palmero Camara Approval Concha Bru Ronda
Secretary of AEPUM President of AEPUM