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Wednesday March 12, 2014

From the 11th to the 13th of March 2014 at the University of Almería.

Mistreatment and negligence against older adults is an important social problem that will be addressed at this Congress. The Director of the Class for Older Adults of the University of Almería invites us to participate. His letter is enclosed.

Organized by the University of Almería, Fundación Mediterránea. ACTUAL , Madurez Activa and Fadaum,

For further information about the Congress, contact the following e-mail addresses: ; and

All the infomation is here

Thursday March 13, 2014
Start: 11/03/2014
End: 13/03/2014

From the 11th to the 13th of March 2014 at the University of Almería.

Mistreatment and negligence against older adults is an important social problem that will be addressed at this Congress. The Director of the Class for Older Adults of the University of Almería invites us to participate. His letter is enclosed.

Organized by the University of Almería, Fundación Mediterránea. ACTUAL , Madurez Activa and Fadaum,

For further information about the Congress, contact the following e-mail addresses: ; and

All the infomation is here

Tuesday April 01, 2014

Seeking to comply with its aims and objectives and as set out in its Statutes, AEPUM permanently strives to promote educational programmes for older adults at a university level, thus contributing to the formative and cultural development of senior citizens and, in this context, it launches the 1st EDITION OF THE “AEPUM RESEARCH PRIZE” during the 2013-2014 Academic Year.  This annual prize has as its aim to honour the best research works dedicated to any of the topics related to the objectives and interests developed from the Association. The Prize constitutes the recognition that AEPUM grants to those researchers who devote their efforts to the search for innovative solutions which can favour lifelong learning as a way to enhance seniors’ quality of life.

Find more information and the TERMS FOR THE CALL

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