
Seeking to comply with its aims and objectives and as set out in its Statutes, AEPUM permanently strives to promote educational programmes for older adults at a university level, thus contributing to the formative and cultural development of senior citizens and, in this context, it launches the 1st EDITION OF THE “AEPUM RESEARCH PRIZE” during the 2013-2014 Academic Year.  This annual prize has as its aim to honour the best research works dedicated to any of the topics related to the objectives and interests developed from the Association. The Prize constitutes the recognition that AEPUM grants to those researchers who devote their efforts to the search for innovative solutions which can favour lifelong learning as a way to enhance seniors’ quality of life.

Find more information and the TERMS FOR THE CALL

In accordance with its Statutes, AEPUM has as its essential goal to promote educational programmes for older adults at a university level, contributing to the formative and cultural development of senior citizens. The annual AEPUM RESEARCH PRIZE is created within that context for the purpose of honouring the best research works dedicated to one of the topics related to the objectives and interests developed from this Association. The Prize constitutes the recognition that AEPUM grants to those researchers who devote their efforts to the search for innovative solutions which can favour lifelong learning as a way to enhance seniors’ quality of life.


  1. Works must have been made within the framework of University Programmes for Older Adults.
  2. Any research work which has not received an award in other calls or contests is eligible for this prize.
  3. The maximum length of works will be 30 pages according to the stipulated criteria (Annexe ‘Submission Format’).
  4. Applicants must fill in the form made available on the AEPUM web page (Annexe ‘Form’) and attach it in an electronic file as explained therein.
  5. The Jury will be formed by a commission appointed by the AEPUM Governing Board.
  6. Works that fail to comply with the requirements will not be admitted.
  7. The call will be published in December 2013 on the AEPUM website and a period of 4 months will be opened for the submission of works.
  8. The jury will make a decision within two months and will announce its verdict on the AEPUM website as well as in any other media which it deems appropriate. 
  9. Prize delivery will take place in one of the events which are annually organised by AEPUM (National Workshop, International Symposium or Seminar).
  10. The author of the work selected will receive as a prize the invitation to take part in the aforesaid event and make his/her work known through a presentation.
  11. The research work will be included in the proceedings or the publication made by AEPUM for the academic event in which the prize is announced.
  12. A runner-up prize will be awarded to the second best research work presented.  
  13. Deadline for the submission of works: April 1st, 2014



  • Format for the submission of works to the AEPUM Research Prize
  1. Language: Spanish
  2. Electronic format: The file must be sent through the electronic registration form in PDF format.
  3. Page format and font: DINA 4 size with all margins at 3 cm. Text, single-spaced and with 0-point spacing before and after. Font: Times New Roman, size 12
  4. Title: font Times New Roman, size 14, bold and centred.
  5. Author/s: Initial of the name and surname/s, centred below the title, in Times New Roman, size 12. The name of the institution to which the author belongs will appear below the author’s name, also centred and with the same size. If the research work has been written by several authors belonging to different institutions, their names will be placed below the name of each author. An asterisk will identify the author who submits the work to the call and his/her e-mail address will appear in Times New Roman, size 10.
  6. Abstract: maximum 250 words in Times New Roman, size 10, single spacing.  Including the abstract in English and key words (max. five).
  7. Text: It will be written with font Times New Roman, size 11, single spacing, without any indentation types and full justification. Paragraphs must be separated by a blank line. It will include: A) Introduction; B) Objectives; C) Methodology; D) Results and Discussion; E) Conclusions; and F) Documentary references.
  8. Abbreviations: If they are used, they must be expanded when used for the first time.
  9. Bibliography and references: APA rules in the cited bibliography and bibliographic endnotes.
  10. Graphs, tables and references: they must be inserted in their place inside the text 
  11. Work length: It must not exceed 30 pages following the specified format and including graphs, tables and bibliographic references. Up to two figures will be accepted in the text.
  12. Participating in the Contest implies the acceptance of its terms as well as of the Jury’s decision –with the possibility of the Prize not being awarded.
Ayuda para cumplimentar el formulario de entrega de investigaciones (Contiene las pantallas del formulario) [PDF]161.74 KB