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Friday June 22, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Saturday June 23, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Sunday June 24, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Monday June 25, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Tuesday June 26, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Wednesday June 27, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Thursday June 28, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Friday June 29, 2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

Saturday June 30, 2012
Start: 01/01/2012
End: 30/06/2012

PUPM Name: University for seniors of the UCM.

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