
Minutes of the meeting of the board of director of the Spanish national association of university programmes for older adults met on 5th of May of 2014 at 11:30h, on second call, on the room 2, ground floor, of the ``IMSERSO´´´s venue, Avenue de la Ilustración n/n 2829 from Madrid, with the following agenda.

  1. Reading and approval, if appropriate, of the minutes of the previous session.
  2. Report about the activities carried out since the last assembly
    1. Presidency
    2. Secretariat
  3. Report on the condition of Treasury
  4. Incorporation of a new member of the Board of Directors
  5. To analyse the realized and hanging tasks fixed on the Seminar celebrated in Salamanca.
  6. To approach the results of the study on ICTS and older adults entrusted to AEPUM in which a good number of partner universities have participated.
  7. To approach project offers that have come to AEPUM.
  8. To prepare the next General Assembly and to fix possible dates between the weeks 16 and 20 of June or between the 30 of June and the 4 of July.
  9. Matters of procedure
  10. Requests and Questions



In representation of the universities

Mrs  Concepción Bru, for the University of Alicante, as President

Mrs   Carmen Palmero, for the University of Burgos, as Secretary


  • Mr Jorge López Cubero, on representation of Nicolás Díaz de Lezcano, for the University Las Palmas of Gran Canaria
  • Mrs  Mª. Isabel Miró Montoliu, for the University Rovira and Virgili
  • Mrs Pili Escuder, for the University Jaume I of Castellón. With delegation UJI
  • Mrs Pilar García de la Torre, for the University of A Coruña
  • Mrs Cristina Civera Molla, for ``La Nau Gran´´ of the University of Valencia


Justifies his absence:


  • Mr Fidel Molina, for the University of Lleida



Mr Xavier Lorente, as outgoing treasurer

President Mrs Concepción Bru presides the session welcoming all the assistants and recognizing the effort of all of them for travelling to be present at the meeting.

The absence of the University of Jaume I´s representatives is justified who are substituted by Mrs Escuder with the UJI´s delegation and from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria who is substituted by Mr Jorge López, with the opportune delegation.

Following, the work of Xavier Lorente during the time that he was representative of the University Ramon Llull is thanked to him, as a member of the board of directors and he is encouraged to keep working in favour of the older adults wishing him all personal and professional success from now on.

  1. Reading and approval, if necessary, of the minutes of the previous session
    1. It is agreed:  To approve it unanimously
  2. Reports of the activities carried out since the last assembly

2.1. Presidency. See Annex

2.2. Secretariat. See Annex

2.1. – It is agreed in relation to:

* Call of the 1st Edition of the Prize of Investigation of the AEPUM. Taking into account that the deadline finishes 01/04/2014, and that only four inscriptions have been sent, it is agreed to send a follow-up to the partners. Likewise it must be determined the number of persons that will form the Jury to act in this first Prize of investigation of AEPUM.

3- Report of the treasury statement:

Expenses generated from the Salamanca Seminar have been:

  • The related to the accommodation and subsistence of the partners assistants and for an amount of 1.000 €
  • Maintenance costs of the current account AEPUM and for transfers to fulfil 93,14 €
  • Server of the web 157,30 €.


Income. The fees  of the partner universities of 2013 are still being managed and there are still 18 centres who have to deposit their fees. Although the problem of the delay is derived from the change of the email account of the treasurer from January and the lack of communication between treasury and the centres. This situation is going to be solved from March 5 from Presidency and Secretariat AEPUM.

The balance that the outgoing Treasurer informs is nowadays of 24.206,36 Euros.

It is agreed:

Since the AEPUM partners are the universities and Mr Xavier Lorente is no longer a part from the teaching board of the University of Ramon Llull, to discharge him as treasurer of the association and in the CC of AEPUM on La Caixa and authorise on the mentioned bank account, along with the President, to Carmen Palmero, Secretary of AEPUM, who will carry out functions of treasury since this date.

* To proceed to the transfer of information, documentation and books statement, between the outgoing treasurer and the President and AEPUM's Secretary, to carry on with the economic report 2013-2014 and the treasury management until General Assembly 2014, where the new treasurer will be named.

* To send to the universities a newsletter indicating the correct bank account number of AEPUM with the purpose that on the following income of the fees devolutions are avoided, given the last changes that have been registered on the numerations of the bank accounts which besides they incorporate the new information of the IBAN.


  1. Incorporation of a new member of the Board of Directors

It is agreed:

To incorporate immediately as a member of the board the representative of the University Ramón Llull as soon as his official nomination is received.

  1. To analyse the realized and hanging tasks fixed on the Seminar celebrated in Salamanca.

It is agreed:

* That after compiling in the University of Alicante all the information that has been sent by the universities that held to it in the Seminar of Salamanca, it will be send to the partners by email a document that gathers all this information for their knowledge. From here onwards the commission that was established in Salamanca should work to manage to propose new common models for the recognition and evaluation of the quality.

* Pili Escuder informs of the realization of an experts meeting on Creta, relative to a Project of International Evaluation that they lead from the University Jaume I and in which some AEPUM´s partners could participate as guests, and especially the components of the Evaluation Commission.  To such an effect the University Jaime I will deal with the opportune invitations.


  1. To approach the results of the study on ICTS and older adults entrusted to AEPUM in which they have participated a good number of partner universities.

It is agreed:

After knowing the assistants to the meeting the numeric participation of the partner universities answering the elaborated survey for the proposed research by DORO EXPERIENCE, it will be send to the participant universities a report of the results of its university and programme and of the general report for AEPUM. The mentioned report will include a statistic analysis and correlation of basis variables and it will be accompanied by graphs.

The global results for AEPUM will be provided to DORO EXPERIENCE, for which a collaboration agreement will be signed so this entity finances a scientific publication that will be carried out with posterity and once the responsible of the programmes/researchers interprete and draft from the scientific investigation´s perspective a document relative to its University/Programme with the intention to do a co-publishing.


  1. To approach project offers that have come to AEPUM.

It is agreed:

After the presentation of the proposal by Mr Capell of the entity ``Canal Empresarial,´´ which is focused on the development of communication-educational platforms focused on the older adults, of ``Proyecto Canal Sénior Universidades´´, it is estimated that it is a project of diffusion, not education (To the use of the academic commanding schemes in the universities) and that may interest as a complement for the OAUPs and universities that have rural dispersed and distant venues and as platform of communication, dissemination and incentive of the use of ICTs. That is why partners will be given a relocation in order that to an individual way they can value this offer.

  1. To prepare the next General Assembly and to fix possible dates between the weeks 16 and 20 of June or between the 30 of June and the 4 of July.


It is agreed:

*The date of the 2nd of July for the realization of the Assembly and managements will be done from the UJI, to host in its venue the mentioned Assembly. It is proposed to carry out a morning seminar with the Assembly and in the afternoon and after lunch carrying out a session with the exposure of results, analysis and debate of the study about ICTs and older adults carried out in AEPUM.


  1. Matters of procedure

It is agreed:

In the absence of concrete responses on the part of the programmes or universities to realize the next encounter 2015, it is decided to consult to the University of Granada the realization of the XIV National Encounter for University Programmes for older adults in 2015, for which the opportune contacts and negotiations will be carried out.


  1. Requests and Questions

*It is reminded the need to fix a meeting and appointment with Mª Jesús del Río Alcalde, General Viceprincipal of ``Aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida´´ for which from the University of A Coruña and the University of Valencia the opportune managements will be carried out with the purpose to advance in possible lines of collaboration.


There not being any more matters to treat the session is adjourned, being 14h 30 minutes of the day of the date, of which as Secretary I give faith with the approval of the President.