Work Session: University extension classes for Seniors implicated in Active Ageing


Name of the activity:

Work Session: University extension classes for Seniors impiclated in Active Ageing

Proposing entity:
La Universitat a l’Abast Programme (University in your power), Autonomous University of Barcelona

Contact details:
Mercè Pérez Salanova. 93 581 3441.

Geographic field:Regional

Theme area:
Lifelong learning, Social participation

Knowing the work carried out from the university extension classes regarding the different axes which constitute part of the active ageing, with the purpose of planning future actions in the European Year framework. 

Description of the activity:
Work session with the leaders of the asociations/university extension classes for Seniors. Its aim is the enforcement of the activity carried out by the called classes (13), giving a especial attention to the specific contributions made for the development of the active ageing paradigm in connection with some of the following axes: involvement in the environment, relations between generations, fight against  stereotypes and solidarity/volunteering. The obtained information will be object of analysis and enlargement with the aim of establishing proposals that stimulate synergies creation for the joint work between Autonomous University of Barcelona and the University extension classes in view of the c European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations.  

Involving agents:
- University in your power Programme – Automous University of Barcelona
- Seniors Associations: University extension classes for Seniors linked to the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
- Federation of University Extension Classes for Seniors of Catalonia (AFOPA) 

Location and date:
Autonomous University of Barcelona, November 23rd, 2011