VII Conference of the State Association of University Programs for the Elderly People (AEPUM) and University and Society Forum
This University and Society Forum organized by the Adult Education of the University of La Laguna (Tenerife) is intended to serve for doing an assessment of the contribution of the AEEA experiences in local, regional and national actions context which tried to promote active ageing and solidarity between generations.
PUPM Name: Adult Education
Universidad de la que depende el PUM: University of La Laguna
Name/degree of the initiative (s):
VII Conference of the State Association of University Programs for the Elderly People (AEPUM) and University and Society Forum "Education, Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations"
Start date and end date: From March 1st to 2nd, 2012
Registrations until February 9th 2012 by filling the following form.
Place of development: La Laguna (Tenerife)
Aims (Description) :
The European Commission has declared 2012 as "European Year on Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations". On that occasion, several activities and events will be scheduled in each member country, both at national, regional and local levels, which will serve to demonstrate that the EU is suffering a very important process of demographic change, because its inhabitants are people who live longer and healthier lives.
Actually, life expectancy has increased in eight years and demographic projections predict an increase of five years in the next forty years. If this is combined with low birth rates, the balance between young people and older adults will change in a very important way in a more or less immediate future. Eurostat demographic projections show a decline of 6,8% in the number of people at working age for the year 2030, therefore, two people of working age will be needed to support a retired person.
Hence that European societies are facing a series of important challenges with obvious repercussions at local, regional and national level. Therefore, the European Year on Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations celebration should serve to check and create such challenges in very different areas, such as economic, labor, health and social services, urban planning, the service sector, among others.
One of the areas that helps demonstrably to promote the different aspects of personal and group activity is, without doubt, education, and more specifically, High Education. In Spain we have educational experiences developed in the generally so-called Universities for Older Adults, presents almost in all public and private Spanish universities, and gathered under the State Association of University Programs for the Elderly People (AEPUM).
It is, therefore, that this University and Society Forum could serve to make a balance of the contribution of such experiences in local, regional and national actions context, which tend to promote the active ageing and solidarity between generations.
VII Conference of the State Association of University Programs for the
Elderly People (AEPUM)
15:30: Participants welcome
16:00: Words of welcome by Academic Authorities
16:15: Workshop “Education, Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations: contributions and challenges of the research and practical experiences at the UpM".
17:00: Formation of working groups
17:15: First round of discussion: UpM contribution to active ageing
18:00: Coffee
18:20: Second round of discussion: are we promoting solidarity between generations at university? what about in society?
19:10: Third round of discussion: the relationships between university-society, can we improve them to promote active ageing and solidarity between generations?
20:00: Elaboration of conclusions
20:30: Dinner
16:00: Words of welcome by Academic Authorities
16:15: Workshop “Education, Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations: contributions and challenges of the research and practical experiences at the UpM".
17:00: Formation of working groups
17:15: First round of discussion: UpM contribution to active ageing
18:00: Coffee
18:20: Second round of discussion: are we promoting solidarity between generations at university? what about in society?
19:10: Third round of discussion: the relationships between university-society, can we improve them to promote active ageing and solidarity between generations?
20:00: Elaboration of conclusions
20:30: Dinner
University and Society Forum
“Education, Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations”
9:00: Welcome and accreditation
9:30: Opening ceremony
9:45: Views and voices of active ageing and solidarity between generations
10:30: Spanish and European strategies to promote the Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. Representative of IMSERSO.
9:30: Opening ceremony
9:45: Views and voices of active ageing and solidarity between generations
10:30: Spanish and European strategies to promote the Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. Representative of IMSERSO.
11:00: UpM contribution for active ageing and solidarity between generations: reading of the conclusions of the VII Conference of the AEPUM
11:30: Coffee
12:00: Debate: “The role of institutions on active ageing and solidarity between generations"
- Representative of IMSERSO
- Representative of the Education Department of Canarias Government
- Representative of the Social Welfare Department of Canarias Government
- Representative of the Inter-island council of Tenerife
- Representative of AEPUM
- Representative of ULL
13:00 Conclusions and closing ceremony
Open to the public
Open to the public
Can be validated by 1 CLE
Expected number of participants/beneficiaries and/or groups to which this initiative is aimed: 60
Collaborating entities:
- University of La Laguna
- Inter-island council of La Laguna
More information:
Contact details: responsible person, tl. E- mail:
José Arnay Puerta
Pabellón de Gobierno, C/ Molinos de Agua s/n. · 38200 · La Laguna · Spain
Phone number: (+34) 922 31 91 55