University of Deusto, 11th and 12th of December of 2014
Place: Fac. of Social and Human Sciences. Institute of Leisure Studies. Avenida de las Universidades, 24
The competences for life and welfare are the capacity of adopting appropriate and responsible behaviours to face satisfactorily the dairy challenges of life, either personal, professional, family, educative, social or of free time. The “competences for life” allow an organization of our life in a healthy and balanced way, facilitating us experiences of satisfaction and welfare.
"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world"
Nelson Mandela.
16.00 h-16.30 h: Opening ceremony. Directs: Mr. Roberto San Salvador del Valle, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Communication, Plurilingualism and Social Innovation, Ms. Concepción Bru, President of AEPUM, Yolanda Lázaro, Director Deustobide-School of Citizenship, U.Deusto, Mr. Pedro Bartra, Director of the Centre of Institutions Basque Country and Cantabria of La Caixa.
16.30 h - 17.15 h: Conference: Competences for life. Dra. Almudena Eizaguirre Zarza
Doctor in Business and professor of the Marketing Area in the University of Deusto. She has a long career as a university teacher and also as a strategy consultant and in group development. Currently she is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of professors in the Deusto Business School and coordinator of the Programme of Development of Leading and Coaching Abilities in the same faculty.
The conference, among other topics will deal with:
- The evolution of competences in nowadays society,
- The role of competences in the education of adults and in the Learning throughout the Life;
- Values and adults;
- Figure of the trainer-facilitator in nowadays teaching (importance of practical experience and motivation when learning)
17.30 h – 19.00 h: Formative Competences in the PUPMs for the new socio-educational claims to old persons.
Panel of Experts: Juan Francisco López, U. Deusto; Florentino Blázquez Entonado, U. Extremadura; Luz Neira, U. Carlos III. Moderates Carmen Palmero Cámara, Secretary of AEPUM.
They will present and debate about the necessities that require and demand the current students of the PUPMs, somehow different to those who initiated the path of the programmes over 20 years ago. The development of new competences and abilities in the PUPMs are in the framework of the new social and learning university contexts.
19.00 h – 19.30 h: Debate
19.30 h – 20.30 h: AEPUM ASSEMBLY (Class 153)
21.00 h: Dinner
9.30 h – 10.30 h: Optional visit to the University of Deusto
10.30 h – 12.00 h: World café. What competences are we talking about?
Through this interactive and collaborative methodology we will work in questions that will allow us to see the knowledge and grade of fulfilment of the competences in the PUPM’s. In order to do that we will have the support of the Technical Unit of Innovation and Quality (UTIC in Spanish) of the University of Deusto.
In the University of Deusto, there are five competences: verbal communication, written communication, ethical sense, group work and the use of technologies. This five competences are aligned with the four dimensions of values advocated by the institution, as there are:
• Utilitas: practical dimension. The university proposes to train for professional excellence through academic excellence.
• Iustitia: social dimension. It follows to train persons “to the others and for the others”, compromised, as citizens, with the building of fair social, economic, and political structures.
• Humanitas: humanity dimension. It is proposed to stimulate the training of the “comprehensive person”, morally supported in the centrality of our common dignity.
• Fides: ethical-religious dimension. It invites the students to search processes of the last sense of life, from a free and voluntary perspective.
According to the decision about the distribution of generic competences rises up a map of competences that completes the curricular net.
12.00 h – 12.45 h: Call for proposals 2015 — EAC/A04/2014. Programme Erasmus+ and the Development of capacities in the field of higher education. Mª Pilar García de la Torre. University of A Coruña. Moderates Concepción Bru Ronda.
12.45 h – 13.15 h: Conclusions
13.15h- 13.30 h: Closing ceremony
14.00 h: Lunch