“A look into the world from the Anthropology's perspective”.


Name of the University Program for Older Adults

Interuniversity Program of Experience
University that organizes the Program
University of Burgos
Name/Title of the iniciative
“A look into the world from the Anthropology's perspective”.
 Dates of beginning and end
February and March
Miranda de Ebro
Bring the human behaviours and attitudes closer to the Anthropology's deep roots
Analyze the different personal and cultural manifestations with the anthropological principles
Expected number of participants/beneficiaries and/or groups
60 people.
Collaborating Institutions
University of Burgos, Social Services Office of the Board of Castilla y León and townhalls of Aranda de Duero, Miranda de Ebro and Villarcayo.
For further information (Website)
Carmen Palmero Cámara, cpalmero@ubu.es
Isabel Luis Rico, miluis@ubu.es
            Tamara de la Torre Cruz, tdtorre@ubu.es