Conclusions and Proposals of the Participating Universities




AEPUM considered that we live a very delicate and important moment because some key issues on University Programmes for Older Adults intertwine. Moreover, the Government, through the Ministry of Education and Culture is starting up these issues addressing legislative changes of great importance that will affect University Programmes for Older Adults in the short and medium term. 

  1. The Degree Catalogue: in November (December is the month scheduled for the University Coordination Council to approve the framework catalogue). This has to do with the process of convergence of the European Higher Education Area. It is considered to be essential and a qualification that binds all University Programmes for Older Adults must appear in it. We understand that this is the only way to later develop a common degree in the rest of universities. If this is not the case, it will be very difficult because once the catalogue is approved, if there is no university qualification defined and focused on boosting lifelong learning universities, these specific studies will be left out and the University Programmes for Older Adults will remain as university extension courses with a variable recognition according to the different universities.

    This justifies even more the creation of a research project submitted to ANECA and the necessary discussions or technical seminars to coordinate the degree's profile. We are concerned about the very short deadlines. This makes difficult to have a proposal ready before the Degree Catalogue is approved. This means that the meetings of the research commissions and the technical seminars must begin as soon as possible to know if we are supported by ANECA. 

    We need to urgently discuss and propose the existence of a specific degree that can be gathered in the degree catalogue, where the studies available for seniors at the university are clearly stated.

  2. Last October in the meeting held between the President of the Government and the Vice-Chancellors (CRUE), the issue of the LOU (Organic Law on Universities) reform was repeated. In this regard, we consider that the "timid statements" about the university's duties and the lifelong learning of the LOU must be explicitly and deeply stated. As the media reported, in connection with the aforesaid meeting, the President of the Government is going to advocate for an "open and flexible" university model available to those that complete high school and want to keep learning. These proposals, with specific developments, are sought by the University Programmes for Older Adults to be stated in the LOU reform. 

    So, we propose an amendment of the LOU law, that broadly gathers the duties of universities to implement Curricula that encourage and develop a real and effective lifelong learning, and also follow the EU guidelines.


  3. We are very concerned about the access topic. If we aim to offer a degree with unique features and adapted to the demand of seniors, as well as provided at the university, the access must clearly state that everyone, without the need of having "Bachiller" studies or similar ones, can access the university. This is what the Additional Provision Nr 2 of the Royal Decree of 22 January 2004 with regard to access over 45 years says. But later, the door is closed again, because it states that academic studies will be taken into account, as well as proof of work or professional experience.  

  4. We want to modify the Royal Decree in this aspect, inasmuch as the Government also wants to modify the Law on Quality. This one is necessary with a view not       to discriminate or hinder those seniors who want to learn at the university and don't meet the requirements. For this, a specific pathway should be devised for            the access to a Senior Degree that is not included in the aforesaid RD, and whose implementation is established for the academic year 2006-2007.