6th Meeting of the Board of Directors - Almería

Board of Directors
Held at the Hotel Porto Magno (Aguadulce - Roquetas de Mar), 18/09/2006. The meeting began at 11:30:
Mr Antonio López Ontiveros, University of Córdoba. Member.
Mrs Francisca Pérez Llamas, University of Murcia. Treasurer
Mr Joseph Mª Sabaté Bosch, University Rovira y Virgili, Tarragona. Member.
Mr Joseph Torrellas Vendrell, University of Girona. Member
Mr AntonioRodríguez Martínez, University of Santiago de Compostela. Member
Mrs Concepción Bru Ronda, University of Alicante. Member
Mrs Concepción Argente del Castillo Ocaña, University of Granada. Member.
Mrs Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez, Pontifical University of Salamanca. Secretary.

The President Mr José Arnay Puerta, University of La Laguna, arrived later and was informed about what had already been talked about.

  1. Reading and passing, if appropriate, of the previous meeting's minutes
  2. Preparation of the Assembly
  3. Reports of:
    • A. The President.
    • B. Treasury
    • C. Carried-out Activities (AEPUMA's Project, attendance to events in Jaén, Confederation, …
  4. New members applications
  5. Renewal of the members of the Board of Directors (Articles 19th and 20th of the Articles of Associations). Criteria already prepared.
  6. Any other business

Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez
Secretary of the AEPUM


  1. Reading and passing, if appropriate, of the previous meeting's minutes

    The session begins with the passing of the previous meeting's minutes (of the 16th of December 2005, at the University of Alicante). Adoración Holgado clarifies that in the section of new members of the Articles of Association it is stated that those universities with programs for older adults are allowed to be members and the University of Ramón Llull, that requested to join the Association, has not iniciated a program yet. It is agreed to inform that University that its incorporation will be suggested but it will only be official when the program for older adults is iniciated. It is also agreed that, from now on, any university that requests to join the Association musts present, as well as the required documentation, a certificate with the name of the program and a copy of the list of subjects.

  2. Reports: Attached document number 1 - Preparation of the Assembly

    Concepción Argente informs that Extraordinary Assembly ‘s Agenda has been wrongly announced because there should appear only one single topic, so it is not legal. Antonio López Ontiveros confirms this information. Adoración Holgado says that it had been announced almost three months ago and that this could had been informed before to rectify the mistake. After debating about different possibilities, it is agreed to inform and propose at the beginning of the Assembly one single topic: General Situation of the AEPUM and renewal of half of the members of the Board of Directors.

    Treasury’s Report:
    Francisca Pérez Llamas evaluated the Association’s economical situation: The University of Sevilla has not paid yet the quota for 2005 and there are ten universities that have not paid the quota for 2006 yet. The University Ramón Llull, which admission into the Association is still pending to be confirmed, has already paid the quotas for 2005 and 2006. She hands over a copy of the report to all the attending people. She also hands over all the documentation that she has because she presents her resignation as treasurer and as member of the Board of Directors, given that she is not managing the Program for Older Adults in her university and the university has already appointed another representative to go to the meetings.

  3. Renewal of half of the members of the Board of Directors and situation of the President

    Even though José Arnay has not presented his resignation officially as president, it is informed that he will do so, so a new president must be chosen in the meeting. It is stated that Arnay must present his official resignation first.

    Concha Bru, informs that she has the support of her university to put herself forward as candidate for president or to continue as a member and she presents the document from the university. Antonio Rodríguez says that he also has the support of his university in case the University of Alicante does not present a candidate.
    After reading the Article 20th of the Articles of Association, Adoración Holgado asks:

    • If in the votating for the members of the Board of Directors the vote goes to the unviersity or to the representative. After discussing about it, it is understood that the vote goes to the representatives, people with names and surnames.
    • The secretary asks if there is any member of the Board of Directors who already decided to resign, apart from Francisca Pérez Llamas, the treasurer. Nobody stated so, but it is highlighted that the other position of the Board of Directors must stay.

    There was a debate about the way the members of the Board of Directors that would lose that position should be chosen: by draw, by alphabetical order, number of votes that each member of the Board received when elected, ….. 
    No criteria is chosen and Sabaté says that the idea is that those who leave the position would be able to put themselves as candidates again.

    Adoración indicates that it is stated in the Articles of Association that there must be a ”renewal of half of the members of the Board of Directors that means that other universities must take the position”. 

    Finally the following leave their position voluntarily:
    - Murcia (changing its representative), Alicante, Santiago and the Pontifical University of Salamanca.

    The session is adjourned at 13.55.


Attached document number 1: Report about: 
Activities carried out by the Board of Directors

  • November 2005: Attendance to the Conferences about ageing organized by the IMSERSO, in Madrid.
  • 2nd of December 2005: Interview with the Director- General of the IMSERSO, Mr Ángel Rodríguez Castedo.
  • 16th of December 2005, During the participation of the State Secretary of the Universities, Mr Salvador Ordoñez, in the Technical Conferences organized by the University of Alicante, José Arnay asked him to defend the inclusion of a modification in the Articles 34.5 and 42.5 of the LOU, about the acknowledgment and the regulation of the University Programs for Older Adults, and gave him in writing the suggested modification. 
    The Secretary informs that he will defend the proposal and suggest for the AEPUM to write a draft about the possible development of those Programs.
  • In March 2006: a Protocol of Cooperation is signed between the AEPUM and the IMSERSO, with various cooperation’s activities in it.
  • 22th of March 2006: the State Secretary’s Office receives the document “Proposals for a modification in the LOU regarding the university education of older adults in the framework of lifelong learning.
    (13th of May 2006) Answer from the State Secretary informing about receiving the document and expressing the interest of the Secretary’s Office in that demand for university education from the group of older adults.
  • 8-10th of May 2006: International Seminary about the Situation of Ageing 2006, organized by the IMSERSO in Jaén.
  • 24-26th of May 2006: Attendance to the 5th Conferences organized by the State Confederation of Students of the University Programs for Older Adults.

Still pending activities:
Other initiatives in which the Board of Directors will work on to inform and request the acknowledgment and regulation of these Programs in the ULE:

  • Interview with the CRUE to request institutional support for the universities
  • Interview with Education representatives in the Congress and in the Senate.
  • Interviews with the Education spokespeople in the different political parties.
  • Request for support through the State Council of Older Adults, the State Confederation of Students and Alumni of the University Programs for Older Adults’ Associations , regional federations and provincial associations of students and alumni of our university programs.
  • Elaboration of a draft about the possible development of these Programs.