13th Meeting of the Board of Directors - San Lorenzo del Escorial
1. Reading and approval, if appropriate, of the previous meeting minutes.
2. Request for the incorporation of new members to AEPUM.
3. Work Committees:
3.1 President Informs about the meetings with the Continuous Learning Committee.
3.2 To debate the condition of the other Work Committees and their progress to date.
4. Information about:
4.1 Attendance to the III Ibero-American Congress
4.2 FIMTE meeting in Costa Rica
5. Assembly Organisation
6. Condition of the Database AEPUM and of the investigation projects about PUMs
7. Requests for all AEPUM Members
8. Question and Answer Session
Attendee list:
Alicante, Ms Concepción Bru Ronda
Pontificia de Salamanca, Ms Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez
Santiago, Mr Antonio Rodríguez Martínez
Complutense de Madrid, Mr Marcos Roca Sierra.
Excuse their absence:
Girona, Mr Josep Torrellas Vendrell
Granada, Ms Concepción Argente del Catillo Ocaña
Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona), Mr Josep M. Sabaté Bosch
Lleida, Ms Neus Vila Rubio
Murcia, Mr Manuel Hernández Pedreño.
Other invited people:
Burgos, Carmen Palmero Cámara
La Laguna, Mr José Arnay Puerta
Pontificia de Comillas-Madrid, Mr José Luís San Miguel de Pablos
Pontificia de Salamanca, Mª Teresa Ramos Bernal
1. Reading and approval of the previous meeting Minutes.
The meeting begins with the unanimously approval of the minutes of the previous meeting, held on June 26th 2009 in Alicante.
2. Request for the incorporation of new members to AEPUM.
The Board is informed of the fact that some universities requested their incorporation to AEPUM, and that they provided all the documents required: The Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and the Universidad de Cádiz.
The requests are accepted. The secretary will inform the universities, and she will also point out to them that their incorporation to AEPUM will be ratified in the next Meeting of the association.
The universities from A Coruña and Valencia have also requested some information about the documents required to become part of AEPUM.
3. Work Committees and 6. Condition of the DatabaseAEPUM
3.1 President Informs about the meetings with the Continuous Learning Committee.
Antonio Rodríguez explains that the Ministry of Science and Innovation invited AEPUM to join the Continuous Learning Committee.
He highlights the fact that there have been five meetings:
- April 1st 2009
- June 17th 2009
- July 9th 2009
- September 21st 2009
- October 28th 2009
- November 26th 2009, pending.
The Committee’s goal is to prepare for the Ministry a document that gathers the possible rules for the recognition and validation of the Non-formal Education (PUMs Programmes), besides explaining the need for Continuous Learning.
Moreover, the president says that the working goal of this Committee is to present a Decree of Recognition, mainly for university-specific degrees and postgraduate studies, and to develop a document that recognises other educations, like university programmes for older adults, among others. This document might be agreed by the autonomous communities.
3.2 To debate the condition of the other Work Committees and their progress to date.
Commission of Educational Innovation
Adoración Holgado says that the sample document, made by Neus and herself, will be sent to the members of AEPUM for them to fill them with as many innovative activities as they carry out or have developed. The members should also send them to the secretary’s office in order to compose an archive of best practices.
Moreover, she says that she will ask for some information to Florentino Blázquez, organizer of the Good practices Seminar, about the publication of the works developed during said Seminar. This information will also include a list of the best practices presented during the Seminar.
Creation of an Association bulletin
Adoración Holgado will remind Pedro Cano and Josep Torrellas, responsible for this committee, that they should present a draft about the bulletin: its type, structure, contents, length… The draft will be approved in the Assembly, as well as the budget and time of publication of the first issue of said bulletin.
Communication, dissemination and social projection
Concha Bru says that before December ends she will show to the Board of Directors a brochure about AEPUM: partner universities, admission into the Association, number of students…
Programme Monitoring and Updating
Concha Bru points out that, late in October, Antonio López, an assistant technician in Universidad de Alicante, sent to all the members the basic file of data updating and the instructions to access the file to fill it up.
The possible difficulties that might come up when filling it up are being analysed during this month of November.
January 15th 2010 is proposed as the due date to complete the DatabaseAEPUM with the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 school years data.
These data will be used, among other things:
*To send reports to the Ministry
*So Antonio Rodríguez can use the same report in the works of the Continuous Learning Committee.
4. Information About:
4.1 Attendance to the 3rd Ibero-American Congress
Concha Bru summarises her participation in the 3rd Ibero-American Congress held in Costa Rica in June, 5th to 7th, 2009.
More than 400 people took part in it; almost all Ibero-American countries participated, as well as professors from Spanish universities such as Santiago, Castilla-La Mancha, Autonomous of Madrid and Politechnic of Cartagena, besides Concha Bru, from Universidad de Alicante ,who went on behalf of AEPUM.
The programmes exposed were, mainly, social action ones. It was established that university programmes for older adults and investigation projects are almost non-existent.
Finally, she states that she deems necessary the active participation and presence of AEPUM in these conferences.
She indicates that the communication she presented is at the members of the Board of Directors’ disposal.
The summary made by her and the programme of the Congress are enclosed (annexes 1 and 2).
4.2 FIMTE meeting in Costa Rica (Annex 3)
Concha Bru informs that FIMTE (Ibero-American Network of Educational University Experiences with Older Adults) invited her as representative of AEPUM to take part in the meeting that took place. In said meeting, these two matters were addressed:
- to take up the proposal to create and develop the Ibero-American Network of Universities for Older Adults and
- the proposal of the next location of the 4th Ibero-American Congress.
Concha Bru explains how Mexico presented a candidature to organise the 4th Congress, but the rest of the FIMTE members were more interested in Spain being the organiser.
She says that FIMTE expressed to her their great interest in Spain being the place where the 4th Ibero-American Congress of Universities for Older Adults takes place. The dates proposed are May-June 2011.
Concha Bru promised to pass the request over to AEPUM’s Board of Directors.
When she talked about it with Antonio, they agreed on Concha sounding out the International University Menéndez Pelayo, through its dean Salvador Ordoñez, to hold said Congress. The dean stated he deems the idea interesting, and he has requested AEPUM to make a proposal.
All the attendees agree on this proposal, and José Arnay suggests to also ask for collaboration through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Finally, it is agreed that the secretary will inform all the AEPUM members about this proposal in order to agree to it before December 15th 2009.
If there is any university interested in organising this event, it will be asked for them to give their programme and funding for it before said date.
AEPUM’s President will answer FIMTE, informing them about the viability study of holding the 4th Congress in Spain.
5. Assembly Organisation
Due to the execution of the 11th Congress, the assembly will have to be convened at least three months in advance.
It is agreed:
- to send the call in the mid of January 2010,
- that it will take place on May 27th 2010, around 6pm in Universidad de Lleida,
- that the last point in the agenda will be: Election of the president and a minimum of three chairs of the Board of Directors,
- to remind the need to send a written note from the dean expressing the candidacy of his university to preside over AEPUM or to take part in the Board of Directors for the pertinent term, accepting the possible expenses entailed with the position (trips, accommodation…).
7. Requests for all AEPUM Members
Concha Bru explains that in order to make the communication she exposed in the 3rd Ibero-American Congress she made a list with the investigation projects and studies made by researchers/ teams and members of the PUMs Programmes, and she proposes to send it to the AEPUM members in order to update it (Appendix 4).
José Arnay suggests to include this section in the file of data updating.
Adoración Holgado suggests to include, as well, the file of data updating, so there is only one document to fill up with all the requests.
Concha Bru explains that she will consult Antonio López and that she will indicate us if it can be done and does not complicate nor slow down the answers in the questionnaire.
The session is suspended at 8:21 pm.
Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez, AEPUM Secretary