Joana Mª Segui UIB 6 |
DSCN1299 |
Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology presents four action guidelines. AEPUM highlights the Senior Good Treatment Guide |
Universidades Socias de la AEPUM: Programas que desarrollan |
DSC02674 |
DSC02628 |
Universidad de Valencia |
DSCN1422 |
IMG 2461 |
CAM00658 (FILEminimizer) |
IMG 2452 |
Means of communication of international reach echo the training for older adults in the scope of the PUMPs |
VII Jornadas de la AEPUM y Foro Universidad y Sociedad Educación, Envejecimiento Activo y Solidaridad Intergeneracional |
DSC 0471 |
IMG 2401 |
DSC02338 |
DSCN1141 |
IMG 2568 |
XCDD0203 |
Inauguracion UPUA 03-04 Mes Presidencial |