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The University of Valencia's university programme for older adults, La Nau Gran, celebrated on Monday, November 13th the graduation ceremony at the Auditorium, upon the completion of studies for the class of 2014-2017. Participating in the ceremony were the University of Valencia's Vice-chancellor, Esteban Morcillo; the Vice-president and Minister of Equality and Inclusive Politics of the Generalitat, Mónica Oltra; the Politics of Training and Educational Quality Deputy Vice-chancellor, Ramón López Martín; and the Director of the University Extension Service, Amparo Pérez Carbonell. The speakers at the event included two choruses: "Les veus de la memòria", made up of people affected by Alzheimer's disease, and the La Nau Gran choir. Furthermore, fellow student Francisco Javier Llorens Seller, who just completed the History pathway, delivered a very moving speech about his academic career. |